Title: The FDA's pregnancy safety designation of Category A for a drug means: Post by: Nix4Pres on Mar 20, 2016 The FDA's pregnancy safety designation of Category A for a drug means:
A) no adequate animal studies or adequate studies of pregnant women have been done. B) fetal risk has been demonstrated, which outweighs any possible benefit to the mother; avoid using in pregnant or potentially pregnant patients. C) adequate studies in pregnant women have not demonstrated a risk to the fetus in the first trimester or later trimesters. D) animal studies have demonstrated adverse effects, but there are no adequate studies in pregnant women; benefits may be acceptable despite the potential risks. Title: Re: The FDA's pregnancy safety designation of Category A for a drug means: Post by: feijoa on Mar 31, 2016 Content hidden
Title: Re: The FDA's pregnancy safety designation of Category A for a drug means: Post by: Nix4Pres on Apr 9, 2016 Wow!
Title: Re: The FDA's pregnancy safety designation of Category A for a drug means: Post by: feijoa on Apr 11, 2016 Good luck on exams!