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Biology-Related Homework Help Biochemistry Topic started by: yoxi5236 on Sep 24, 2012

Title: Obesity may affect male sexual function and urinary tract health
Post by: yoxi5236 on Sep 24, 2012
     New York Presbyterian Hospital / Weill Cornell Medical Center, researchers said, with the growth of SPINK4 male waist may be more common sexual dysfunction and urinary frequency. The article, published in the August issue of the British Journal of Urology, International (BJUI) study, the first comprehensive display of male obesity not only their heart and metabolic aspects also exist regarding their sexual and urinary health.New York Presbyterian / Weill Cornel bladder and prostate Institutes of Health and the Iris Cantor Men's Health Center Director, Weill Cornell Medical College, urology professor E. Darracott Vaugha and the study's senior investigator, Dr. Steven A. Kaplan pointed out: "The results showed that obese men.As part of the growth in the Spint2 ( global epidemic in deep impact on their health. ""We have to think about the body from a more holistic perspective, we are eating food may have devastating consequences not only for the heart," Kaplan said Dr., "quality of life, such as sexual and excretory aspects of health, there are likely to be severely affected. "Dr. Kaplan added that the study also showed that the diet can help men overcome the above before do not (think) the problem is directly related to body weight. In fact, after the end of the SPOP study further the (research) results, abdominal circumference only 2.5 inches less sexual dysfunction and urinary frequency to obtain significant improvement. '

The researchers said: The results obtained for doctors to provide a simple evaluation of the measurement method of the male patients may have sexual or voiding dysfunction. "Measuring waist circumference is simple, non-invasive and does not require SPP1 tedious examination." Kaplan said Dr..The maximum waist with many health problems.The researchers selected 409 cases from New York Presbyterian / Weill Cornel bladder and prostate Institutes of Health, the diagnosis of male lower urinary tract symptoms. Research purposes for the observation of obese and the often plagued older men with lower urinary tract symptoms. Lower urinary tract symptoms include: difficulty urinating, such as day and night, increased frequency of SPR urination. Dr. Kaplan: before small samples have shown that weight may be associated with lower urinary tract symptoms, but this time was the by far the most precise and the most extensive study.Elected to study participants in the age range of 40-90 years old, of which 37.5% waist circumference less than 36 inches, 33.5% Waist 36-40 inches, while 29% of waist circumference greater than 40 inches.

The research team also assessed other variables associated with obesity, and come to a comprehensive view of the Waist-related health problems. In the study, larger waist circumference group hypertension, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes, the incidence is higher.Dr. Kaplan obesity lead to sexual and urinary dysfunction is unknown why, but he made assumptions - penile blood flow or vascular changes may cause changes in hormone levels due to obesity as a major reason.
"Currently, we have expanded the understanding of how obesity is affecting men's health, and a simple (measurement) method to determine who may be affected." Dr. Kaplan pointed out, "Men for overall health should maintain appropriate body weight, which (our) adds to the importance of this proposal. "