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Biology-Related Homework Help Genetics and Developmental Biology Topic started by: rld09009 on Sep 25, 2012

Title: How does natural selection can impact allele frequencies of a population.?
Post by: rld09009 on Sep 25, 2012
I know what it means but I don't know how it impacts allele frequencies. If I get a good answer I will report a ten!!
Ty so much!!

Title: How does natural selection can impact allele frequencies of a population.?
Post by: firestorm on Sep 25, 2012
Alleles that give an organism a better chance of survival in their environment, better chance of reproduction, will become more frequent in a population.
There are dark and light moths in an environment. A factory is erected nearby and the environment becomes darker due to soot. The darker moth's alleles for darker pigments will be naturally selected, bc they have a better chance of surviving and reproducing.

Title: How does natural selection can impact allele frequencies of a population.?
Post by: micromarc on Sep 25, 2012
Natural selection can increase the frequencies of alleles if they are advantageous to a species' survival and reproductive abilities.  If they somehow produce a phenotype that is not a selective advantage, their frequency will decrease.

The change in allelic frequencies is one way of defining evolution.  A population evolves as "better" alleles increase in frequency in the gene pool.

Title: How does natural selection can impact allele frequencies of a population.?
Post by: rkbrookover on Sep 25, 2012
BY environmental variations or natural mutations