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Science-Related Homework Help Physics Topic started by: rks23456 on Sep 28, 2012

Title: What is the distance between the moon and the Hubble Space Telescope?
Post by: rks23456 on Sep 28, 2012
What is the distance between the moon and the Hubble Space Telescope?

Title: What is the distance between the moon and the Hubble Space Telescope?
Post by: iknowdoyou3 on Sep 28, 2012
not sure H ST is in orbit between the space station (close to earth) and the moon

remember the shuttle reached the hubble but never went anywhere near the moon

Title: What is the distance between the moon and the Hubble Space Telescope?
Post by: julianbato on Sep 28, 2012
Hubble 's orbit is about 600 kilomotres above sea level, which is one fifth of one percent of the distance to the moon's orbit. So for most calculations, it's simpler to say it's the same as Earth to the moon.

If you want to be picky, then the answer depends on which side of the Earth Hubble is on, which side of Earth the moon is on, and where in its orbit the moon is, because it varies between 363,000 km and 405,000 km.

Title: What is the distance between the moon and the Hubble Space Telescope?
Post by: juliar33 on Sep 28, 2012
The HST is about 300 miles up. The moon is about 240,000 miles up. So, there is a little project for you to calculate the distance between the HST and the moon.


Title: What is the distance between the moon and the Hubble Space Telescope?
Post by: rkim12 on Sep 28, 2012
Well, ..., it's roughly the same as the average distance from Earth to the Moon  (378 000) minus the average height of Hubble's orbit (559 km).  Or 378 000 km - 559 km = and average of 377441km