Title: By the time the filtrate reaches the loop of Henle, the reabsorption of water and ions has Post by: Beanieman on Jun 24, 2016 By the time the filtrate reaches the loop of Henle, the reabsorption of water and ions has
A) left the filtrate iso-osmotic. B) left the filtrate hyperosmotic. C) removed all of the sodium from the filtrate. D) removed all of the potassium from the filtrate. E) left the filtrate hypoosmotic. Title: Re: By the time the filtrate reaches the loop of Henle, the reabsorption of water and ions has Post by: ch1990 on Jul 14, 2016 Content hidden
Title: Re: By the time the filtrate reaches the loop of Henle, the reabsorption of water and ions has Post by: Beanieman on Aug 8, 2016 You're one smart cookie lol
Title: Re: By the time the filtrate reaches the loop of Henle, the reabsorption of water and ions has Post by: ch1990 on Aug 9, 2016 Post back if you need anything else