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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: e5oli5ri on Oct 6, 2016

Title: During a clinical conference, a staff nurse states that critical thinking is essential when ...
Post by: e5oli5ri on Oct 6, 2016
During a clinical conference, a staff nurse states that critical thinking is essential when providing client care. What additional statements should this nurse make to support the use of critical thinking?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. “Patient acuity is so much greater than it was even 10 years ago.”
2. “Care delivery systems are only as good as the nurses delivering care.”
3. “Nurses have always relied on commonsense thinking to provide quality, appropriate nursing care.”
4. “With health care being so expensive, nursing has to take on responsibility to keep the costs controlled.”
5. “My practice involves caring for clients who require care that didn’t even exist when I went to school.”

Title: Re: During a clinical conference, a staff nurse states that critical thinking is essential when ...
Post by: deenaGiliani on Oct 6, 2016
Content hidden

Title: Re: During a clinical conference, a staff nurse states that critical thinking is essential when ...
Post by: e5oli5ri on Nov 19, 2016
Very helpful, thanks for providing an explanation

Title: Re: During a clinical conference, a staff nurse states that critical thinking is essential when ...
Post by: deenaGiliani on Nov 20, 2016
Wow, I remember answering this a while ago. It was a tough question, glad I could help