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Biology-Related Homework Help General Biology Topic started by: battsitat on Dec 7, 2012

Title: I need help please
Post by: battsitat on Dec 7, 2012
Activity 2
1.   What lung values changed ( from those of the normal patient) in the spirogram when the patient with emphysema was selected?  Why did these values change as they did?  How well did the results compare with your prediction?

2.   Which of these two parameters changed more for the patient with emphysema, the FVC or the FEV1?

3.   What lung values changed ( from those of the normal patient) in the spirogram when the patient experiencing an acute asthma attack was selected?  Why did these  values change as they did?  How well did the results compare with your predictions?

4.   How is having an acute asthma attack similar to having emphysema?  How is it different?

5.   Describe the effect that the inhaler medication had on the asthmatic patient.  Did the spirogram values return to “normal”?  Why do you think some values did not return all the way to normal?  How well did the results compare with your prediction?

6.   How much of an increase in FEV1 do you think is required for it to be considered significantly improved by the medication?

8.   Compare the breathing rates during normal breathing, moderate exercise and heavy exercise.

Activity 3
5.   What emergency medical condition does opening the valve simulate?

6.   In the last part of this activity you clicked the Reset button to draw the air out of the intrapleural space and return the lung to its normal resting condition.  What emergency procedure would be used to achieve this result if these were the lungs in a living person

7.   What do you think would happen when the valve is opened if the two lungs were in a a single large cavity rather than separate cavities?

Title: Re: I need help please
Post by: bio_man on Dec 7, 2012
2.   Which of these two parameters changed more for the patient with emphysema, the FVC or the FEV1?

The FEV1 decreased significantly more than the FVC for the patient with emphysema.

Title: Re: I need help please
Post by: bio_man on Dec 7, 2012
5.   What emergency medical condition does opening the valve simulate?

Opening the left valve simulates a pneumothorax.

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