Biology Forums - Study Force

Humanities History Topic started by: Shiro×— on Jan 18, 2017

Title: Americans began to suspect communist infiltration everywhere when Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed ...
Post by: Shiro×— on Jan 18, 2017
Americans began to suspect communist infiltration everywhere when Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed that
A) Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were Soviet Spies and had passed atomic secrets to the Soviets.
B) he had a list of active Communist Party members who worked for the United States government.
C) FDR's New Deal had been an attempt to convert the United States to communism.
D) the Hollywood movie industry had been taken over by communists and was trying to convert Americans to communism through subliminal messages.

Title: Re: Americans began to suspect communist infiltration everywhere when Senator Joseph McCarthy ...
Post by: Yoko900 on Jan 18, 2017
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