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Discussion Off-Topic Room Topic started by: how_mendel on Aug 4, 2011

Title: Jokes for Biology Class
Post by: how_mendel on Aug 4, 2011
Jokes for Biology Class (

A frog goes into a bank and hops up to the loan officer. The frog says "Hi, what's your name?"
The loan officer says "My name is John Paddywack.  Can I help you?"
The frog says "Yeah, I'd like to borrow some money."
The loan officer finds this a little odd, but gets out a form.  He says, "Okay, what's your name?"
The frog says "Kermit Jagger."
The loan officer says "Really? Any relation to Mick Jagger?"
The frog says "Yeah, he's my dad."
The loan officer says, "Okay. you have any collateral?"
The frog hands the loan officer a pink ceramic elephant and says "Will this do?"
The loan officer says  "Hmmm...I'm not sure.  Let me go check with the bank manager."
The frog says "Oh, tell him I said hi.  He knows me."
The loan officer goes back to the manager and says "Excuse me, but there's a frog out there named Kermit Jagger who wants to borrow some money.  All he has for collateral is this pink elephant thing and I'm not even sure what it is."
The manager says: "It's a knick-knack, Paddywack, give the frog a loan, his old man's a Rolling Stone."

A big old warty swamp frog decided to call the Psychic Hotline and see what his future held for him.
The psychic said, "You will meet a very beautiful young girl with long blond hair, who will want to know everything about you.
"That's great!" exclaimed the frog. "When and where will I meet her? At a fancy palace ball or down by the pond?"
The psychic hesitated, then responded solemnly, "You will meet her next Biology Lab!"

TEACHER: Are you chewing gum?
BILLY: No, I'm Billy Anderson.

TEACHER: Alfred, how can one person make so many stupid mistakes in one day?
ALFRED: I get up early.

HAROLD: Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn't do?
TEACHER: Of course not.
HAROLD: Good, because I didn't do my homework.

TEACHER: In this box I have a 10-foot snake.
SAMMY: You can't fool me, teacher. Snakes don't have feet.

TEACHER: Max, use "defeat," "defence," and "detail" in a sentence.
MAX: The rabbit cut across the field, and defeat went over defence before detail.

A city slicker moves to the country and decides he's going to take up farming.
He heads to the local co-op and tells the man, "Give me 100 baby chickens."
The co-op man complies.
A week later the man returns and says, "Give me 200 baby chickens." The co-op man complies.
Again, a week later the man returns. This time he says, "Give me 500 baby chickens."
"Wow!" the co-op man replies. "You must really be doing well!"
"Naw," said the man with a sigh. "I'm either planting them too deep or too far apart!"

Two little snakes were wiggling along the side of the road when the first little snake turned to the second little snake and asked, "Are we poisonous?" "Why?" asked the second little snake, to which the first ittle snake replied, "Because I just bit my lip!"


Noah opens up the ark and lets all the animals out, telling them to "Go forth and multiply." He's closing the great doors of the ark when he notices that there are two snakes sitting in a dark corner.

So he says to them, "Didn't you hear me? You can go now. Go forth and multiply."

"We can't," said the snakes, "We're adders."

A neutron goes into a cafe and asks the waitress, "How much for a Coke?" The bartender replies, "For you, no charge."

Two atoms are walking down the street and they run into each other.  One says to the other, "Are you all right?" "No, I lost an electron!"  "Are you sure?"  "Yeah, I'm positive!"


ARTERY: The study of fine paintings
BACTERIA: Back door to cafeteria
BARIUM: Patient disposition
BOWEL: Letter like A, E, I, O, or U
CAT SCAN: Searching for kitty
CAUTERIZE: Made eye contact with her
COLIC: Sheep dog
COMA: Punctuation
CESAREAN SECTION: A district in Rome
COLIC: A sheep dog
COMA: A punctuation mark
DILATE: To live a long time
ENEMA: Not a friend
FESTER: Quicker
G.I. SERIES: Baseball game between soldiers
HANGNAIL: A coat hook
MEDICAL STAFF: A doctor's cane
MORBID: A higher offer
NITRATE: less than the day rate
NODE: Was aware of
ORGANIC: Musical
OUTPATIENT: A person who has fainted
POST OPERATIVE: A letter carrier
PROTEIN: In favor of young people
SECRETION: Hiding anything
SEROLOGY: Study of English knighthood
TABLET: A small table
TERMINAL ILLNESS: Sick at the airport
TUMOR: An extra pair
URINE: Opposite of you're out
VARICOSE VEINS: Veins that are very close together

l.  Where did Noah keep the bees?
        In the archives, of course!

2.  What did the two snakes say when Noah said, "Be fruitful and multiply?"
        "We can't, we're adders!"

3.  What was the first state mentioned in the Bible?
        Noah looked out his ark and saw!

4.  What kind of lights were on Noah's ark?

5.  Why didn't they play cards on Noah's ark?
        The elephant was standing on the deck!

Why did the skeleton play the piano?
Because he didn't have any organs!

Why did the cat run away from the tree?
Because of its bark.

Why did the mushroom get invited to all the parties?
Because it was a real fungi!

If an athlete gets athlete’s foot, what does an astronaut get?
Missile toe.

What do you call a fish without an eye?
A fsh!

Title: Re: Jokes for Biology Class
Post by: Ramzy on Sep 6, 2011
Two biologists are in the field following the tracks of a radio-collared grizzly bear. All of a sudden, the bear crashes out of the brush and heads right for them. They scramble up the nearest tree, but the bear starts climbing up the tree after them. The first biologist starts taking off his heavy leather hiking boots and pulls a pair of sleek running shoes from his back-pack. The second biologist gives him a puzzled look and says, "What in the world are you doing?"
He replies, "I figure when the bear gets close to us, we'll jump down and make a run for it."

The second guy says, "Are you crazy? We both know you can't outrun a full-grown grizzly bear."

The first guy says, "I don't have to outrun the bear, I only have to outrun you!"

Title: Re: Jokes for Biology Class
Post by: Ramzy on Sep 6, 2011
A doctor, an engineer, and a fungal taxonomist arrived at The Pearly Gates.

The doctor said how he'd healed the sick, helped the lame; but he was a sinner and was sent to Hell.

The engineer told how he'd built homes for the homeless, etc.; but he messed up the environment, so he was sent to Hell.

The fungal taxonomist was frightened by all this, but as soon as he mentioned his occupation, God said "You've already been thru Hell, Welcome to Heaven."

Title: Re: Jokes for Biology Class
Post by: Ramzy on Sep 6, 2011
A biologist phones his wife from his office and says, "Honey, something has just come up, I realize its not my field season, but I have to visit my field site for a week. So, would you pack my clothes, my field equipment and my blue silk pajamas? I'll be home in 1 hour to pick them up."

A week later he returned. "Did you have a good trip, dear?" his wife asked.

"Oh, it was just a typical field trip, you know, work work work," he exclaimed, and added "But you forgot to pack my blue silk pajamas."

"No I didn't," she replied. "I put them in the box of field equipment!"