Title: On a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram describing the stars in a young cluster, in which position would ... Post by: staedtler on Mar 19, 2017 On a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram describing the stars in a young cluster, in which position would you expect to find the T Tauri stars?
A) Well above the main sequence and to the left of the diagram B) Just above and slightly to the right of the main sequence C) Well below the main sequence D) In the upper right of the diagram, well above the main sequence Title: Re: On a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram describing the stars in a young cluster, in which position ... Post by: hyponotica on Mar 19, 2017 Content hidden
Title: Re: On a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram describing the stars in a young cluster, in which position would ... Post by: staedtler on May 1, 2017 ;D Exactly what I needed