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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: colleen on Jan 22, 2013

Title: The nurse is screening a group of patients for risk factors related to thyroid c
Post by: colleen on Jan 22, 2013
The nurse is screening a group of patients for risk factors related to thyroid cancer. The nurse realizes that which of the following patients is at the highest risk for developing thyroid cancer?
1. a 75-year-old patient with a history of sinus infections in childhood
2. a 70-year-old patient who refinishes furniture as a hobby
3. an 80-year-old patient who diet consists largely of red meat
4. an 85-year-old patient who works outdoors without sunscreen

Title: Re: The nurse is screening a group of patients for risk factors related to thyroid c
Post by: robertling on Jan 23, 2013
1 -- The most consistent risk factor is exposure to ionizing radiation to the head and neck during childhood. For example, many adults in their 60s, 70s, and 80s received x-ray treatments for colds, tonsillitis, acne, and sinus infections during childhood. Exposure to products used in refinishing furniture, a diet of red meat, and failing to use sunscreen when working outdoors are not risk factors related to thyroid cancer.