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Biology-Related Homework Help Cell Biology Topic started by: smonkey89 on Feb 1, 2013

Title: A blood test shows that a man's erythrocytes count is below normal. Explain...
Post by: smonkey89 on Feb 1, 2013
A blood test shows that a man's erythrocytes count is below normal. Explain the possible consequences of this condition on his health. What type of food should he include in his diet to improve this condition?

Title: A blood test shows that a man's erythrocytes count is below normal. Explain...
Post by: Smoren on Feb 1, 2013
O2 does not get transported properly because the red bood cell count is down.
Also CO2 can build up

this also means respiration will become anerobic and lactic acid will build up.

he should eat iron containing foods - liver; asparagus etc.