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Biology-Related Homework Help Biochemistry Topic started by: smokin7acehole on Feb 13, 2013

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: smokin7acehole on Feb 13, 2013
Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: smmunday on Feb 13, 2013
You are correct.

Burning wood, changes the chemical make-up of the wood.

But melting ice into liquid water does not change the chemical make-up of the water.

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: lemonsplk on Feb 13, 2013
yes to both

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: bugaboo5 on Feb 13, 2013

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: asinger96 on Feb 13, 2013
physical energy isnt a scientific term.

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: tontron on Feb 13, 2013
We all dont exist on the quantum level. So figure it out

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: ilikepie1234 on Feb 13, 2013
it is an intricated process - chemical, phyical energy, heat energy, and many more ... depend on which aspect you are looking at

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: tony1995 on Feb 13, 2013
Yes and Yes.

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: tony960831 on Feb 13, 2013
Heres a good link for the examples of energy- For more, try to R E A D your assigned course material!!!

Title: Does the combustion of wood involve chemical energy, and melting ice involve physical energy?
Post by: tony on Feb 13, 2013
Yes, wood is a polysaccharides in typical, of course it also consists of xylem and phylum, xylem is what people usually refer to as WOOD. Any combustion is a transfer of chemical energy into heat. And melting of ice also requires heat, it is endothermic, the reason ice goes back to water automatically is that, room temperature provides sufficient heat for it to do so.