Title: As a beginning teacher you're likely to be asked to pass a competency test that measures: basic ... Post by: greer on May 25, 2017 As a beginning teacher you're likely to be asked to pass a competency test that measures: basic skills, such as reading, writing, and math; your background in a content area, such as biology or history; and an understanding of learning and teaching. With respect to the legality of these tests, which of the following is the most accurate response?
A) You will be legally bound to take the tests if you want to become eligible for a teaching license. B) While generally required for employment, you are not legally bound to take the tests in order to apply for employment. C) While you're not legally bound to take the tests, your chances for employment are reduced if the test results are not on your record. D) You are legally bound to take the tests if you don't have a degree in a specific content area, such as math, but if you have a degree, you're not legally bound to take the tests. Title: Re: As a beginning teacher you're likely to be asked to pass a competency test that measures: basic ... Post by: DiYours on May 25, 2017 Content hidden
Title: Re: As a beginning teacher you're likely to be asked to pass a competency test that measures: basic ... Post by: greer on Jun 25, 2017 Leap of faith using this community, I'm impressed!