Title: If the students' behavioral patterns are typical of White and African American students', ... Post by: demoniku on Jun 21, 2017 If the students' behavioral patterns are typical of White and African American students', according to research, which of the following is the most likely explanation?
A) Leroy is more likely to be disobedient than is Don, so he is more likely to disregard the directive. B) Leroy is less likely to be attentive than is Don, so he is more likely to not hear the directive. C) Leroy is more likely to socialize with his peers than is Don, so he is more likely to be off-task than is Don. D) Leroy is more likely to "misread" Mrs. Henderson's directive, not interpreting it as a command, than is Don. Title: Re: If the students' behavioral patterns are typical of White and African American students', ... Post by: Gobo on Jun 21, 2017 Content hidden
Title: Re: If the students' behavioral patterns are typical of White and African American students', ... Post by: demoniku on Aug 9, 2017 Appreciate the help