Title: A heart murmur (Multiple Choice Question) Post by: Fireburns92 on Mar 25, 2013 C) can be caused by a defect in the bicuspid and tricuspid valves D) can be caused as the results of certain types of diseases E) all the above
Title: A heart murmur (Multiple Choice Question) Post by: smittybilt on Mar 25, 2013 B?
...or E (I'm pretty much sure it's E, though) Go w/ E! Title: A heart murmur (Multiple Choice Question) Post by: ilocanababy on Mar 25, 2013 i think b is your answer, if this is homework, if its a health issue better check it out.
Title: A heart murmur (Multiple Choice Question) Post by: lei.frank on Mar 25, 2013 c) can be caused by a defect in the bicuspid and tricuspid valves
Title: A heart murmur (Multiple Choice Question) Post by: lehigh1012 on Mar 25, 2013 Content hidden
Title: A heart murmur (Multiple Choice Question) Post by: fire117 on Mar 25, 2013 Answer is E. Heart murmurs are fairly common in children and is caused by valves not closing properly, causing a "backwash" of blood which is heard as a "swishing" sound. So B is the most common form of a heart murmur but it can be all of the other answers as well.
Title: A heart murmur (Multiple Choice Question) Post by: Illuminatus on Mar 25, 2013 e