Title: In Dallas, Canon printers are sold at both Best Buy and Staples. Newspaper flyers from each store ... Post by: noise on Jul 15, 2017 In Dallas, Canon printers are sold at both Best Buy and Staples. Newspaper flyers from each store advertise a current sale price of $149 for the same Canon printer. Customers who purchase the printer at Best Buy will receive a free printer cartridge, while those who buy the printer from Staples will receive a free case of paper. Best Buy and Staples are most likely engaged in ________.
A) vertical integration B) exclusive distribution C) dual distribution competition D) intra-brand price competition E) inter-brand price competition Title: Re: In Dallas, Canon printers are sold at both Best Buy and Staples. Newspaper flyers from each ... Post by: !Hachi! on Jul 15, 2017 Content hidden