Title: A nerve is a bundle of axons, and some nerves are less sensitive to lidocaine... Post by: mtoriginals7 on Apr 16, 2013 i have been working on these problems for quite some time now there are some i can't figure out.
Activity 3 2. what change in membrane potential (depolarization or hyperpolariztion) triggers an action potential? Activity 4 a nerve is a bundle of axons, and some nerves are less sensitive to lidocaine. If a nerve, rather than an axon had been used in the lidocaine experiment, the responses recorded at R1 and R2 would be the sum of all action potentials. Would the R2 response after lidocaine application necessarily be zero? why? Title: A nerve is a bundle of axons, and some nerves are less sensitive to lidocaine... Post by: Homeworkeasy on Apr 16, 2013 Activity 4 a nerve is a bundle of axons, and some nerves are less sensitive to lidocaine. If a nerve, rather than an axon had been used in the lidocaine experiment, the responses recorded at R1 and R2 would be the sum of all action potentials. Would the R2 response after lidocaine application necessarily be zero? why? With a compound action potential, the results would not necessarily be zero because some axons could remain unaffected. |