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Title: What are the advantages and disadvantages of earthquakes?
Post by: idontcare253 on Apr 19, 2013
please tell me, What are the advantages and disadvantages of earthquakes?

Title: What are the advantages and disadvantages of earthquakes?
Post by: ritinkar4all on Apr 19, 2013
the only advantage i can think of is that the earthquake loosen the soil and churn it, allowing the nutrients and minerals to be deposited evenly creating a very fertile soil.
and the disadvantages are of course death, houses and buildings and roads being destroyed

Title: What are the advantages and disadvantages of earthquakes?
Post by: Lenka on Apr 19, 2013
Earthquake releases the accumulated force at tectonic plate boundary. If the forces are released in frequent intervals the damages will be less .Some times no damage at all.But if by any chance if the place even though prone to earthquakes and not experienced any earthquake for a long time the attacking earthquake will be very big. The tectonic plate edges will be smooth if that place has not experienced earthquakes for longer time.Therefore those places will not give indication with smaller one before a major attack.