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Biology-Related Homework Help Zoology and Botany Topic started by: miaplayer93 on May 19, 2013

Title: Im a chrisitan and open minded and want to know the most compelling evidence there is for evolution?
Post by: miaplayer93 on May 19, 2013
I believe in God and i am a Christian, but with that faith i am not scared to believe the truth of science. Since the metaphysical cannot disprove the physical and physical cannot disprove the metaphysical. As a good open minded person i wanted to know what some of the most primitively compelling evidence is that support and evolutionary model?

Title: Im a chrisitan and open minded and want to know the most compelling evidence there is for evolution?
Post by: darlliingohhx on May 19, 2013
well natural selection doesn't really disprove God anyway, there's no contradiction in saying that He created the world in this way, allowing the progression of species to happen via nature, in fact it almost proves He did because it is all a very very orderly process, and the odds of it happening by chance are basically zero. The most compelling evidence of evolution is simply the natural selection of species over time, there isn't much more to it than that. For examples, you can look at the finches that Darwin studied (which you can probably find all over the web) or for a simpler example, just think about bacteria becoming resistant a certain antibiotic: that is the evolution of a species right there.

Title: Im a chrisitan and open minded and want to know the most compelling evidence there is for evolution?
Post by: ffmedic1043 on May 19, 2013
Independent confirmation.

Using anatomy of living organisms, developmental biology, and the fossil record, scientists pieced together the relationships in the "tree of life".  When molecular sequencing came along, the degree of differences in sequences for homologous genes and gene products paralleled the tree of life.  The predictive power of evolution was confirmed to an extraordinarily high degree.

Title: Im a chrisitan and open minded and want to know the most compelling evidence there is for evolution?
Post by: figity on May 19, 2013
1.  Allele frequencies in populations change over time.  They really do, it can be observed, and it's evolution.
2.  Speciation events have been found, and even observed.
3.  God isn't defending His prior art claim.

Title: Im a chrisitan and open minded and want to know the most compelling evidence there is for evolution?
Post by: ratliff_t on May 19, 2013
For evolution to be considered as fact, all argument against it have to be disproved. Most of the fossils found are fragments and scientists just speculate as to what the whole creature may have looked like. Piltdown Man was reconstructed from the jaw bone of an ape and the skull of a human. Nebraska Man was speculated from the tooth of a pig. Neanderthal was a human with disease/vitamin D deficiency. SO evolution should not be considered fact until there in no argument. There is no arguement as to the truth of Newton's laws of motion are there?

Here's just one thing that disproved evolution: every species has a fixed number of chromosomes. Species with different numbers of chromosomes cannot procreate and create half dog half cat for example. The number of chromosomes cannot be changed by environmental factors. Therefore the next generation will have the same number of chromosomes and so will the one after that and so will the one 1 billion years later. QED

Title: Im a chrisitan and open minded and want to know the most compelling evidence there is for evolution?
Post by: darlin on May 19, 2013
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