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Biology-Related Homework Help Zoology and Botany Topic started by: mickey3099 on May 19, 2013

Title: What are some different types of mammals like marine mammals and fin tailed mammals etc?
Post by: mickey3099 on May 19, 2013
What are some different types of mammals like marine mammals and fin tailed mammals etc?

Title: What are some different types of mammals like marine mammals and fin tailed mammals etc?
Post by: figment5 on May 19, 2013
Classification of Mammals under 9 main categories:

1.Egg laying mammals(eg.Duck-billed Platypus,Australian Spiny Ant-Eater)

2.Marsupials(eg.wallaby,kangaroo etc.)

3.Insect-eating mammals(Insectivora) eg.Rats

4.Chiropetra(eg. bats)

5.Hooved Animals(eg.cow,zebra(2 hooves); rhinos(3 hooves))

6.Aquatic Mammals(eg. whales,dolphins an porpoises)

7.Carnivora(eg.Tigers,Lions,Wolves etc)

8.Proboscidea(eg.Indian or African Elephant & extinct mammoths/mastodons)

9.Primates(eg. Homo Sapiens)