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Biology-Related Homework Help Anatomy and Physiology Topic started by: Aidan Moses on Oct 9, 2011

Title: What are three reasons for the connective tissue wrappings of skeletal muscles?
Post by: Aidan Moses on Oct 9, 2011
Support of muscle fibers; strengthen the muscle, provide for roue of entry and exit of nerves and blood vessels.

Title: Re: What are three reasons for the connective tissue wrappings of skeletal muscles?
Post by: qew on Oct 10, 2011
1. They contain muscles and give them shape.
2. They are attached to tendons, thus giving muscles something to gain leverage.
3. They give direction to muscle extension and contraction, so they can direct movement to desired place.

Title: Re: What are three reasons for the connective tissue wrappings of skeletal muscles?
Post by: ppk on Oct 10, 2011
Support of muscle fibers; strengthen the muscle, provide for roue of entry and exit of nerves and blood vessels.

1) Provide a route for entry and exit of nerves and blood vessels that serve the muscle fibers.

2) provide strength to muscle as a whole

3) support and bind muscle fibers

Title: Re: What are three reasons for the connective tissue wrappings of skeletal muscles?
Post by: supermario on Oct 10, 2011
Supporting and binding the muscle fibers, providing strength to the muscle as a whole and to provide a route for the entry and exit of nerves and blood vessels that serve the muscle fibers.