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Science-Related Homework Help Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences Topic started by: lubo77 on Oct 4, 2017

Title: Define the word, "addiction". Sometimes addiction is also referred to as ...
Post by: lubo77 on Oct 4, 2017
Define the word, "addiction". Sometimes addiction is also referred to as "dependency syndrome". A person with a dependency syndrome will generally exhibit certain behaviour patterns. List the nine behaviour patterns mentioned in the text.

Title: Re: Define the word, "addiction". Sometimes addiction is also referred to as ...
Post by: Erazor on Oct 4, 2017
"Addiction" is defined as patterned use resulting in dependence on mind-or mood-altering substances that has a negative influence on academic/work performance, family and interpersonal relationships, social and economic functioning, and/or physical and mental health.
The nine behaviour patterns for dependency syndrome are:
1. over-use of a substance: use a larger quantity or over a longer period than intended
2. express a persistent desire or make unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control use
3. spend a great deal of time to get or use the substance, or to recover from its aftereffects
4. frequently be too intoxicated or incapacitated by the aftereffects to fulfill major obligations
5. give up activities for substance abuse
6. continue to use the substance despite problems with it
7. develop a physical tolerance for the substance
8. display signs of withdrawal when not using the substance
9. use the substance to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms