Title: Match the following terms with the corresponding description:I. Watch WindowII. IFERRORIII. Formula ... Post by: nikant on Nov 2, 2017 Match the following terms with the corresponding description:
I. Watch Window II. IFERROR III. Formula auditing IV. Precedents V. Dependents A. Cells that are referenced in a formula B. Contain formulas that refer to other cells C. A logical function that checks a cell to determine if that cell contains an error or if a formula will result in an error D. A set of tools that enable you to display or trace relationships for formula cells, show formulas, check for errors, and evaluate formulas E. Enables you to create a small window so you can conveniently inspect, audit, or confirm formula calculations involving cells not immediately visible on the screen Title: Re: Match the following terms with the corresponding description:I. Watch WindowII. IFERRORIII. ... Post by: thuanvfppro01 on Nov 2, 2017 Content hidden