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Biology-Related Homework Help Zoology and Botany Topic started by: michael12087 on Aug 5, 2013

Title: Are scientists anywhere near to discovering how to drastically prolong human life?
Post by: michael12087 on Aug 5, 2013
What is the recent research about increasing human morality to say 150 years...or maybe even immorality? Or there any research on this topic? Do scientists have any idea how it can be possible for humans in the future to achieve immortal life through scientific alteriations of our bodies while still maintaining organic composition (as in non-robotic)?

kinda weird question...but im just wondering. haha

Title: Are scientists anywhere near to discovering how to drastically prolong human life?
Post by: toni on Aug 5, 2013
It's a misnomer to think that we haven't already drastically prolonged human life spans through the advancement of knowledge in science and medicine.

In the 1900's our life expentancies were around 50 year, now they are around 80 years. This was only within 100 years!

And think how little time that takes up in the amount of time that humans have occupied Earth.

Title: Are scientists anywhere near to discovering how to drastically prolong human life?
Post by: o2blea on Aug 5, 2013
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