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Humanities History Topic started by: slashbro on Jan 17, 2018

Title: What was the result of the 1964 presidential election?
Post by: slashbro on Jan 17, 2018
What was the result of the 1964 presidential election?
  A) Lyndon Johnson won a landslide in the popular vote while the GOP carried only Arizona and five Deep South states.
  B) The GOP nearly defeated Lyndon Johnson, who had alienated northerners because he was a southerner and southerners because he was too liberal.
  C) The GOP successfully branded Johnson as an irresponsible liberal whose reelection would lead to depression and war in Vietnam.
  D) Lyndon Johnson won a sweeping electoral victory but was unable to help the Democratic party make gains in either the Senate or the House of Representatives.
  E) Third-party candidate George Wallace siphoned enough votes from both major-party candidates to throw the election into the House of Representatives, which, because it was controlled by the Democrats, voted for Lyndon Johnson.

Title: What was the result of the 1964 presidential election?
Post by: nena1107 on Jan 17, 2018
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