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Biology-Related Homework Help Pharmacology Topic started by: oelara on Jan 24, 2018

Title: A client has been taking oral anticoagulant therapy for a number of years secondary to atrial ...
Post by: oelara on Jan 24, 2018
A client has been taking oral anticoagulant therapy for a number of years secondary to atrial fibrillation. Which client statement alerts the nurse to assess more closely for the development of drug-induced hepatitis?
  Standard Text: Select all that apply.
  1. I seem to be making more urine that normal.
  2. My stools are a funny light yellow color.
  3. I need an ointment to keep my skin from itching so much.
  4. My legs hurt when I walk very far.
  5. I seem to be very thirsty most of the time.

Title: A client has been taking oral anticoagulant therapy for a number of years secondary to atrial ...
Post by: stevie0912 on Jan 24, 2018
Correct Answer: 2,3
Rationale 1: Increased urine output is not associated with drug-induced hepatitis.
Rationale 2: Clay-colored stools are indicative of liver changes.
Rationale 3: Itchy skin can be associated with hepatitis.
Rationale 4: Intermittent claudication is not associated with hepatitis.
Rationale 5: Increased thirst is not associated with hepatitis.
Global Rationale: Clay-colored stools are indicative of liver changes. Itchy skin can be associated with hepatitis. Increased urine output, intermittent claudication, and increased thirst are not associated with drug-induced hepatitis.

Title: A client has been taking oral anticoagulant therapy for a number of years secondary to atrial ...
Post by: oelara on Jan 24, 2018
Great answer