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Biology-Related Homework Help Pharmacology Topic started by: drplummer on Jan 24, 2018

Title: A client is abusing an antianxiety medication. Which assessment by the nurse would confirm a ...
Post by: drplummer on Jan 24, 2018
A client is abusing an antianxiety medication. Which assessment by the nurse would confirm a psychological dependence instead of physical dependence?
  Standard Text: Select all that apply.
  1. The client's history reveals the long-term use of high doses of an antianxiety medication.
  2. The client describes the need to use the antianxiety medication despite not feeling anxious.
  3. The client describes feeling nauseous with abdominal cramping.
  4. The client tells you her family has disowned her because of her need for the antianxiety medication.
  5. The client complains she has not slept in days, feels anxious, and tired.

Title: A client is abusing an antianxiety medication. Which assessment by the nurse would confirm a ...
Post by: hurgisburgis on Jan 24, 2018
Correct Answer: 1,2,4
Rationale 1: Psychological dependence usually requires the use of relatively high doses of antianxiety medication over a prolonged period of time.
Rationale 2: Psychological dependence is the need or desire to continue taking a drug when there is a lack of physical symptoms. In this case, the client does not feel anxious but still has the desire to take the antianxiety medication.
Rationale 3: Physical dependence produces physical signs of discomfort when the agent is discontinued. This is not true of psychological dependence.
Rationale 4: To continue the use of the antianxiety drug at the risk of jeopardizing relationships is indicative of psychological dependence.
Rationale 5: Physical dependence produces physical signs of discomfort when the agent is discontinued. This is not true of psychological dependence.
Global Rationale: Psychological dependence usually requires the use of relatively high doses of antianxiety medication over a prolonged period of time. Psychological dependence is the need or desire to continue taking a drug when there is a lack of physical symptoms. In this case, the client does not feel anxious but still has the desire to take the antianxiety medication. To continue the use of the antianxiety drug at the risk of jeopardizing relationships is indicative of psychological dependence. Physical dependence produces physical signs of discomfort when the agent is discontinued. This is not true of psychological dependence. Physical dependence produces physical signs of discomfort when the agent is discontinued. This is not true of psychological dependence.