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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: ssein on Jun 4, 2014

Title: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: ssein on Jun 4, 2014
I really need the answers for the evolve respiratory assessment case study. I have a few others if anybody is willing to trade. PLEASEEE?. I also need the one for peripheral vascular and lymphatics. Thank you so much in advance. =)

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: machokid on Aug 30, 2014
Respiratory assessment evolve

1.   oxygen saturation
2.   use of accessory muscles
3.   note the amount and appearance of any sputum
4.   what activites cause you to feel short of breath?
5.   Advise client to rest in bed while nurse performs physical assessment
6.   Barrel chest
7.   Color of palms and soles, shape of fingers and fingertips
8.   Second rib
9.   Inhale deeply
10.   Document the normal finding
11.    Increased fremitus over areas of consolidation
12.   ask the client to repeat a phrase aloud
13.    locate the client’s first intercostal space
14.    compare this finding with the location of the client’s pneumonia seen on xray
15.    move the diaphragm across to the apex of the R lung posteriorly
16.    auscultate lower lung fields to determine the presence of any adventitious sounds
17.   document the presence of wheezes in the upper lobes and complete the assessment
18.   chart what was heard both ant and post
19.    calculate BMI
20.    60kg
21.   note texture of client’s hair
22.    auscultate breath sounds bilaterally
23.   respiratory effort
24.   crackles heard B in middle and lower lung fields posteriorly
25.    compare the current assessment of the client to the data obtained during admission assessment

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: butterfly127 on Aug 31, 2014
Please do you have any of the following case study answers for Evolve?  I need ASAP!!

breathing patterns; urinar;, sleeping patterns; pain; mobility; sensory; loss, grief & death; perioperative

Peripheral Vascular & Lymph   answers are:

1)D, 2)A, 3)D, 4)A, 5)C, 6)C, 7)D, 8)A, 9)C, 10)B, 11)B, 12)D, 13)B, 14)A, 15)B, 16)C, 17)D, 18)C, 19)D & E, 20)B, 21)A&C&E, 22)B, 23)A

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: butterfly127 on Sep 17, 2014
Respiratory Assessment Evolve

1.   oxygen saturation
2.   use of accessory muscles
3.   note the amount and appearance of any sputum
4.   what activites cause you to feel short of breath?
5.   Advise client to rest in bed while nurse performs physical assessment
6.   Barrel chest
7.   Color of palms and soles, shape of fingers and fingertips
8.   Second rib
9.   Inhale deeply
10.   Document the normal finding
11.    Increased fremitus over areas of consolidation
12.   ask the client to repeat a phrase aloud
13.    locate the client’s first intercostal space
14.    compare this finding with the location of the client’s pneumonia seen on xray
15.    move the diaphragm across to the apex of the R lung posteriorly
16.    auscultate lower lung fields to determine the presence of any adventitious sounds
17.   document the presence of wheezes in the upper lobes and complete the assessment
18.   chart what was heard both ant and post
19.    calculate BMI
20.    60kg
21.   note texture of client’s hair
22.    auscultate breath sounds bilaterally
23.   respiratory effort
24.   crackles heard B in middle and lower lung fields posteriorly
25.    compare the current assessment of the client to the data obtained during admission assessment

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: mayang1205 on Oct 7, 2014
Hey butterfly,

Is there anyway that you can write the answers in words for Peripheral Vascular pls?

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: butterfly127 on Oct 7, 2014
Sorry, I don't have the words now.  Just the letters.

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: mayang1205 on Oct 8, 2014
tnx for the quick response ^_^

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: kfraz16 on Oct 9, 2014
do you have breathing patterns

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: butterfly127 on Oct 9, 2014
Breathing Patterns

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: theradtad12 on Oct 9, 2014
anyone have HIV / TB evolve hesi case study?

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: ssein on Oct 28, 2014
I have HIV/TB. Do you still need it?
Post Merge: 9 years ago

Well here you go in case you do, or anyone else does.

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: mayang1205 on Nov 7, 2014
tnx much!

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: lotsoflettuce on Apr 5, 2015
Thank u so much!!!!  :D

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: Intodeep on May 25, 2015
Where can I get pdf files for Hesi Case studies? Pls help!

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: Jumbled91 on Feb 6, 2016
I need help with breathing pattern. What is the correct order of these steps:....
  1.Stand behind pt.
  2. listen to posterior thorax sound at apex.
  3. Listen to anterior thorax breath sounds starting above clavicles
  4. instruct client to raise arms
  5. listen to lateral thorax sounds
  6. compare breath sound of left and right of posterior thorax

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: JUMBLED91 on Feb 6, 2016
If it is evolve PN Hesi case study I have SENSORY: 

1 C
2 B
3 C
4 B
5 D
6 A
7 D
8 A
9 B
10 A
11 D & E
12 A
13 C & D
14 A
15 C
16 D
17 B
18 C
19 B
20 D
21 A
22 B
23 D
24 C
25 C
26 A

Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: kaytlynmh on Jul 13, 2016
I need help with breathing pattern. What is the correct order of these steps:....
  1.Stand behind pt.
  2. listen to posterior thorax sound at apex.
  3. Listen to anterior thorax breath sounds starting above clavicles
  4. instruct client to raise arms
  5. listen to lateral thorax sounds
  6. compare breath sound of left and right of posterior thorax


Title: Re: evolve respiratory assessment case study?
Post by: JmeLynn on Sep 22, 2016

1.   oxygen saturation
2.   use of accessory muscles
3.   note the amount and appearance of any sputum
4.   what activites cause you to feel short of breath?
5.   Advise client to rest in bed while nurse performs physical assessment
6.   Barrel chest
7.   Color of palms and soles, shape of fingers and fingertips
8.   Second rib
9.   Inhale deeply
10.   Document the normal finding
11.    Increased fremitus over areas of consolidation
12.   ask the client to repeat a phrase aloud
13.    locate the client’s first intercostal space
14.    compare this finding with the location of the client’s pneumonia seen on xray
15.    move the diaphragm across to the apex of the R lung posteriorly
16.    auscultate lower lung fields to determine the presence of any adventitious sounds
17.   document the presence of wheezes in the upper lobes and complete the assessment
18.   chart what was heard both ant and post
19.    calculate BMI
20.    60kg
21.   note texture of client’s hair
22.    auscultate breath sounds bilaterally
23.   respiratory effort
24.   crackles heard B in middle and lower lung fields posteriorly
25.    compare the current assessment of the client to the data obtained during admission assessment