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Biology-Related Homework Help Genetics and Developmental Biology Topic started by: Nour on Sep 16, 2014

Title: Crossing lines with the same recessive phenotype What do you get from the result
Post by: Nour on Sep 16, 2014
Gene Interactions
You study color variants of Arabidopsis hypotheticus, a plant with red flowers. You have obtained three pure-breeding mutant lines, all named for their place of origin. Two lines have white flowers (Aberdeen White and Victoria White), and one has yellow flowers (Kansas Yellow).
You begin your analysis by crossing each line with wild-type plants and selfing the F1 to produce an F2 generation.

You also self several wild-type plants from the F2 and determine that some of them are pure-breeding.
What can you conclude from these results?
SOOOO i figured it out! haha i attached pictures to show my answers!