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Biology-Related Homework Help Medical Technician Topic started by: pepeeman on Mar 1, 2018

Title: Most patients with type I atrial flutter develop atrial fibrillation. (True or false?)
Post by: pepeeman on Mar 1, 2018
Most patients with type I atrial flutter develop atrial fibrillation.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 2

Upon conversion of atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm, the patient should be observed for signs of a possible stroke.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 3

In atrial fibrillation, the AV node attempts to protect the ventricles from the hundreds of impulses bombarding it per minute by blocking many of the impulses generated by the irritable sites in the atria.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 4

Individuals with preexcitation syndrome are predisposed to tachydysrhythmias.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 5

Complete the following ECG criteria for a sinus arrhythmia:
  Rhythm _____________________________ ___________
  Rate _____________________________ ___________
  P waves _____________________________ ___________
  PR interval _____________________________ ___________
  QRS duration _____________________________ ___________
  Fill in the blanks with correct word

Question 6

Complete the following ECG criteria for a sinus arrest:
  Rhythm _____________________________ ___________
  Rate _____________________________ ___________
  P waves _____________________________ ___________
  PR interval _____________________________ ___________
  QRS duration _____________________________ ___________
  Fill in the blanks with correct word

Title: Most patients with type I atrial flutter develop atrial fibrillation. (True or false?)
Post by: Brarg on Mar 1, 2018
The answer to question 1  F
Patients with type II atrial flutter, which is also called atypical or very rapid atrial flutter, often develop atrial fibrillation. The precise mechanism of type II atrial flutter has not been defined. In type II atrial flutter, the atrial rate ranges from 350 to 450 beats/min.

The answer to question 2  T

The answer to question 3  T

The answer to question 4  T

The answer to question 5  Rhythm Irregular, phasic with breathing; heart rate increases gradually during inspiration (R-R intervals shorten) and decreases with expiration (R-R intervals lengthen).
Rate Usually 60-100 beats/min, but may be slower or faster.
P waves Positive (upright) in lead II, one precedes each QRS complex, P waves look alike.
PR interval 0.12 to 0.20 seconds and constant from beat to beat.
QRS duration 0.11 seconds or less unless abnormally conducted.

The answer to question 6  Rhythm Irregularthe pause is of undetermined length (more than one PQRST complex is missing) and is not the same distance as other P-P intervals.
Rate Usually normal, but varies because of the pause.
P waves Positive (upright) in lead II, P waves look alike; when present, one precedes each QRS complex.
PR interval 0.12 to 0.20 seconds and constant from beat to beat.
QRS duration 0.11 seconds or less unless abnormally conducted.

Title: Most patients with type I atrial flutter develop atrial fibrillation. (True or false?)
Post by: pepeeman on Mar 1, 2018
Thank you for being such a great website leader! All of your answers were right.