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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: yolo1017 on Mar 1, 2018

Title: A nurse assesses a client who presents with renal calculi. Which question should the nurse ask? ...
Post by: yolo1017 on Mar 1, 2018
A nurse assesses a client who presents with renal calculi. Which question should the nurse ask?
  a. Do any of your family members have this problem?
  b. Do you drink any cranberry juice?
  c. Do you urinate after sexual intercourse?
  d. Do you experience burning with urination?

Question 2

An emergency department nurse assesses a client with a history of urinary incontinence who presents with extreme dry mouth, constipation, and an inability to void. Which question should the nurse ask first?
  a. Are you drinking plenty of water?
  b. What medications are you taking?
  c. Have you tried laxatives or enemas?
  d. Has this type of thing ever happened before?

Question 3

A nurse teaches a client who is starting urinary bladder training. Which statement should the nurse include in this client's teaching?
  a. Use the toilet when you first feel the urge, rather than at specific intervals.
  b. Try to consciously hold your urine until the scheduled toileting time.
  c. Initially try to use the toilet at least every half hour for the first 24 hours.
  d. The toileting interval can be increased once you have been continent for a week.

Question 4

A nurse teaches a client with functional urinary incontinence. Which statement should the nurse include in this client's teaching?
  a. You must clean around your catheter daily with soap and water.
  b. Wash the vaginal weights with a 10 bleach solution after each use.
  c. Operations to repair your bladder are available, and you can consider these.
  d. Buy slacks with elastic waistbands that are easy to pull down.

Question 5

A nurse plans care for clients with urinary incontinence. Which client is correctly paired with the appropriate intervention?
  a. A 29-year-old client after a difficult vaginal delivery - Habit training
  b. A 58-year-old postmenopausal client who is not taking estrogen therapy - Electrical stimulation
  c. A 64-year-old female with Alzheimer's-type senile dementia - Bladder training
  d. A 77-year-old female who has difficulty ambulating - Exercise therapy

Question 6

A nurse assesses a client with bladder cancer who is recovering from a complete cystectomy with ileal conduit. Which assessment finding should alert the nurse to urgently contact the health care provider?
  a. The ileostomy is draining blood-tinged urine.
  b. There is serous sanguineous drainage present on the surgical dressing.
  c. The ileostomy stoma is pale and cyanotic in appearance.
  d. Oxygen saturations are 92 on room air.

Title: A nurse assesses a client who presents with renal calculi. Which question should the nurse ask? ...
Post by: Larry on Mar 1, 2018
The answer to question 1

There is a strong association between family history and stone formation and recurrence. Nephrolithiasis is associated with many genetic variations; therefore, the nurse should ask whether other family members have also had renal stones. The other questions do not refer to renal calculi but instead are questions that should be asked of a client with a urinary tract infection.

The answer to question 2

Some types of incontinence are treated with anticholinergic medications such as propantheline (Pro-Banthine). Anticholinergic side effects include dry mouth, constipation, and urinary retention. The nurse needs to assess the client's medication list to determine whether the client is taking an anticholinergic medication. If he or she is taking anticholinergics, the nurse should further assess the client's manifestations to determine if they are related to a simple side effect or an overdose. The other questions are not as helpful to understanding the current situation.

The answer to question 3

The client should try to hold the urine consciously until the next scheduled toileting time. Toileting should occur at specific intervals during the training. The toileting interval should be no less than every hour. The interval can be increased once the client becomes comfortable with the interval.

The answer to question 4

Functional urinary incontinence occurs as the result of problems not related to the client's bladder, such as trouble ambulating or difficulty accessing the toilet. One goal is that the client will be able to manage his or her clothing independently. Elastic waistband slacks that are easy to pull down can help the client get on the toilet in time to void. The other instructions do not relate to functional urinary incontinence.

The answer to question 5

Exercise therapy and electrical stimulation are used for clients with stress incontinence related to childbirth or low levels of estrogen after menopause. Exercise therapy increases pelvic wall strength; it does not improve ambulation. Physical therapy and a bedside commode would be appropriate interventions for the client who has difficulty ambulating. Habit training is the type of bladder training that will be most effective with cognitively impaired clients. Bladder training can be used only with a client who is alert, aware, and able to resist the urge to urinate.

The answer to question 6

A pale or cyanotic stoma indicates impaired circulation to the stoma and must be treated to prevent necrosis. Blood-tinged urine and serous sanguineous drainage are expected after this type of surgery. Oxygen saturation of 92 on room air is at the low limit of normal.

Title: A nurse assesses a client who presents with renal calculi. Which question should the nurse ask? ...
Post by: yolo1017 on Mar 1, 2018
Were some really tough homework problems!