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Humanities Political Science Topic started by: Hjratliff on Mar 11, 2018

Title: How does the term civil liberties differ from the term civil rights?
Post by: Hjratliff on Mar 11, 2018
How does the term civil liberties differ from the term civil rights?
  a. Lawsuits may be filed when violations of civil liberties occur, but they may not be filed for violations of civil rights.
  b. Civil liberties are voluntary while civil rights are mandatory.
  c. In most cases, the terms mean the same thing.
  d. Civil liberties are guaranteed by the Constitution and cannot be taken away, while civil rights refer to the rights to equal treatment for specific groups based on race, gender, sex, etc.
  e. The term civil liberties was used prior to the twentieth century, while the term civil rights was used afterward.

Question -2-

What are civil liberties?
  a. They are freedoms that can be taken away during wars, if deemed necessary by Congress.
  b. They are rights that are extended by state governments at the expense of the federal government.
  c. They are religious-based freedoms.
  d. They are specific individual rights which cannot be taken away by government and are guaranteed by the Constitution.
  e. They are laws that enforce civility between citizens and are also designed to enforce the peace.

Question -3-

John Adams was President at the time the Alien and Sedition Acts were passed. According to
  the text, what was his stance on the new legislation?
  a. He refused to sign the bills and they were passed only by filibuster.
  b. He was a staunch supporter and used his new power excessively.
  c. He did not oppose their passage; however, he never issued a deportation order and few editors were jailed for sedition.
  d. He fully supported the Alien Enemies Act but refused to pass the Sedition Act.
  e. He adamantly opposed the legislation and contested each bill before the Supreme Court.

Question -4-

What did the Sedition Act of 1798 prohibit?
  a. the publication of materials that brought the U.S. government into disrepute
  b. the power of the federal government to control interstate commerce
  c. the raising of militia by the state governments
  d. the implementation of the draft
  e. overseas travel by American citizens

Question -5-

As one of twenty national defense acts passed by Congress in 1798, what was the effect of the Alien Enemies Act?
  a. It allowed the president to declare a disloyal citizen as an alien enemy, to strip the citizens rights, and to deport the individual.
  b. It declared as enemies any undocumented aliens in the United States at the time of passage.
  c. Enacted during a time of increasing tensions between the United States and France, it allowed the president during wartime to arrest and imprison aliens subject to an enemy power.
  d. It declared that any illegal alien was an outlaw and subject to martial law.
  e. It created and extended constitutional protections for aliens in the United States.

Title: How does the term civil liberties differ from the term civil rights?
Post by: tittymuffins420 on Mar 11, 2018
(Ans. #1)


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(Ans. #5)


Title: How does the term civil liberties differ from the term civil rights?
Post by: Hjratliff on Mar 11, 2018
Perfect on my quiz, so smart <3