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Science-Related Homework Help Psychology Topic started by: Psychology ques on Feb 12, 2019

Title: Psychology question need help
Post by: Psychology ques on Feb 12, 2019
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question
1. Vasocongestion is BEST defined as the:
a. swelling of tissue as a result of mucous secretions.
b. engorgement of blood vessels in certain tissues in response to sexual arousal. c. irritation of the vaginal lining from repeated intercourse.
d. increased muscle contraction in response to sexual arousal.
2. After missing her period, Maya takes a pregnancy test, which is positive. When Maya experiences significant abdominal pain and spotting, she visits her doctor, who informs Maya that a fertilized ovum has implanted in one of her fallopian tubes. Maya...
a. should not be concerned, because this is considered a normal pregnancy.
b. is experiencing an anteflexed pregnancy
c. is experiencing an ectopic pregnancy
d. likely will be monitored more closely, but should be able to carry this pregnancy to term.
3. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder...
a. is most often caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy
b. involves emotional, behavioral, physical, and cognitive symptoms that significantly interfere with functioning.
c . is experienced by at least 80 % of all women of reproductive age .
d. is a myth.
4. Mai thought she had completed menopause, but then she began having frequent, heavy periods. Mai's doctor determines she has a tumor on her uterus that is so large, it is impossible to remove the tumor without also removing the uterus. Mai's doctor likely will recommend she have..
a. an oophorectomy
b. a hysterectomy
c. a mastectomy.
d. chemotherapy, because Mai cannot survive ifher uterus is removed.
5. Christina, who is 44, wonders if she should be concerned about her risk of breast cancer. Christina went through menarche at age 12, has no children, and is in generally good health. Christina's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 58. According to the American Cancer Society, Christina should. e annual mammograms and cli nical breast exams, and conduct regular breast self-exams.
a. comp because breast cancer is most often diagnosed in women over the age of 55.
b. not worry
c. try not to focus on her breast cancer risk, because no effective treatments for the condition have yet been developed.
d. not be concerned, because breast cancer is very uncommon in women who have never given birth.
A medical examination reveals
6. Twelve-year-old Daniella has been experiencing lower abdominal discomfort. menstrual fluid has been collecting in MOST likely beeser vagina and is not being expelled as it should have.: This condition would
a. vaginitis.
b. secondary dysmenorrhea.
c. an imperforate hymen.
d. secondary amenorrhea. -
7 . The three layers ( in order ) of tissue found in the vagina are :
a. mucous, muscle, and fibrous.
b. glans, shaft, and root
c. endometrium, mesometrium, and myometrium.
d. cavermous, spongy, and root.
8. Douching on a regular basis is MOST ikely to have which of the following effects?
a. It will likely enhance a woman's sense of security and therefore enhance sexual performance.
b. It will eradicate the odor of menstrual fluid inside the vagina.
c. It is likely to increase a woman's susceptibility to various infections.
d. It really doesn't have any effect at all on the reproductive system.
9. Ovulation commonly takes place
a. during the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle.
b. every three to five days throughout the menstrual cycle.
c. about 14 days before the start of a woman's next period.
d. usually within a week of the start of a woman's next period.
10. Which of the following is true regarding toxic shock syndrome? d by a staph infection and its incidence has increased over the past 10 years.
a. It is cause
b. It is a mild condition that rarely results in death.
c. It is caused by tampons that are not absorbent enough.
d. Its incidence has decreased since the removal of highly absorbent tampons from the market.
11. The penis is most sensitive in the area(s) of the..
a. foreskin.
b. vas deferens and epididymus.
c. root and perineum.
d. corona and frenulum.

12. A man is having difficulty with premature ejaculation. One strategy he could use in order to deal problem would be to:
a. practice Kegel exercises
b. reduce his caffeine intake.
c. practice retrograde ejaculation.
d. exercise his cremasteric muscle. -
13 . The scrotum moves closer to and farther away from the body in order to …
a. regulate the flow of blood within the cavermous bodies.
b. reduce myotonia during sexual arousal.
c - regulate testicular tempera
d. improve cellular reception. ture to ensure successful sperm production. connective tissue, is an inner layer of
14 · The tunica datos , which is composed ofsmooth muscle fibers and fibrous the:
a. penis.
b. vas deferens
c. scrotum.
d. prostate gland
15. The major portion of seminal fluid comes from the:
a. prostate gland.
b. Cowper's glands.
c. vas deferens
d. seminal vesicles.
16. A man wakes up in the morning with an erection. Which of the following would be LEAST likely to be associated with this?
a. He has a full bladder.
b. He has just completed a REM stage of sleep.
c. He has been dreaming about his lover.
d. His lover has been kissing him while he was asleep.
17. Which of the following is true regarding penis size?
a. Many safe and successful treatments, both chemical and surgical, are currently available to increase penis size.
b. Smaller penises tend to increase in size more during erection than larger ones.
c. Most erect penises are between eight and twelve inches in length.
d. Most women report being more aroused and having greater sexual response to men with larger penises.

18. Travis, who is 24, is getting dressed after a shower when he notices a small, painless mass on his
a. should not be concerned, because testicular cancer rarely affects men younger than 50
b. should contact his doctor to have his symptoms evaluated.
c. should monitor his symptoms but wait a few years, because testicular cancer grows very slowly and only rarely spreads beyond the genitals.
d. should not be concerned, because if the mass were cancer, it would be bloody and painful.
19. Ahmed's doctor tells him that Ahmed has benign prostatic hyperplasia. Ahmed..
a. has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
b. most likely is younger than 50.
c. likely has difficulty urinating.
d. most likely will need major surgery to correct this condition.
20. Samia and Kwame are wondering if they should have their new baby boy, Paa, circumcised. Having Paa circumcised...
a. represents no risk of infection, as newborns generally have much stronger immune systems than older children or adults.
b. would make it significantly more difficult for Paa to keep his penis clean.
c. may decrease Paa's risk of contracting HIV. d. would be strongly opposed by Simba's physician, because the World Health Organization currently advocates circumcision only for females.

Title: Re: Psychology question need help
Post by: bio_man on Feb 12, 2019
1. Vasocongestion is BEST defined as the: a. swelling of tissue as a result of mucous secretions. b. engorgement of blood vessels in certain tissues in response to sexual arousal. c. irritation of the vaginal lining from repeated intercourse. d. increased muscle contraction in response to sexual arousal.


2. After missing her period, Maya takes a pregnancy test, which is positive. When Maya experiences significant abdominal pain and spotting, she visits her doctor, who informs Maya that a fertilized ovum has implanted in one of her fallopian tubes. Maya... a. should not be concerned, because this is considered a normal pregnancy. b. is experiencing an anteflexed pregnancy c. is experiencing an ectopic pregnancy d. likely will be monitored more closely, but should be able to carry this pregnancy to term.
Post Merge: 5 years ago

3. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder... a. is most often caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy b. involves emotional, behavioral, physical, and cognitive symptoms that significantly interfere with functioning. c . is experienced by at least 80 % of all women of reproductive age . d. is a myth.
Post Merge: 5 years ago

4. Mai thought she had completed menopause, but then she began having frequent, heavy periods. Mai's doctor determines she has a tumor on her uterus that is so large, it is impossible to remove the tumor without also removing the uterus. Mai's doctor likely will recommend she have.. a. an oophorectomy b. a hysterectomy c. a mastectomy. d. chemotherapy, because Mai cannot survive ifher uterus is removed.
Post Merge: 5 years ago

5. Christina, who is 44, wonders if she should be concerned about her risk of breast cancer. Christina went through menarche at age 12, has no children, and is in generally good health. Christina's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 58. According to the American Cancer Society, Christina should. e annual mammograms and cli nical breast exams, and conduct regular breast self-exams. a. comp because breast cancer is most often diagnosed in women over the age of 55. b. not worry c. try not to focus on her breast cancer risk, because no effective treatments for the condition have yet been developed. d. not be concerned, because breast cancer is very uncommon in women who have never given birth. A medical examination reveals
Post Merge: 5 years ago

6. Twelve-year-old Daniella has been experiencing lower abdominal discomfort. menstrual fluid has been collecting in MOST likely beeser vagina and is not being expelled as it should have.: This condition would a. vaginitis. b. secondary dysmenorrhea. c. an imperforate hymen. d. secondary amenorrhea. -
Post Merge: 5 years ago

7 . The three layers ( in order ) of tissue found in the vagina are : a. mucous, muscle, and fibrous. b. glans, shaft, and root c. endometrium, mesometrium, and myometrium. d. cavermous, spongy, and root.
Post Merge: 5 years ago

Since all of these questions are found on the forum, I advise that you conduct a search for the rest