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Biology-Related Homework Help General Biology Topic started by: llaalllaallaaaa on May 9, 2019

Title: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: llaalllaallaaaa on May 9, 2019
2. Schwann cells are a type of glial cell found in the nervous system. In addition to the conduction of nerve impulses, the outermost layer called neurilemma aids in nerve development and regeneration.
After examining the image below, can you explain why brain cells have limited capacity for regeneration?
  Cross Section of Human Brain
Human Brain Cross Section. Rajalakshmi L Nair et al.
Select one:
a. Neurons in the central nervous system lack neurilemma of Schwann cells.
b. Neurons in the central nervous system are surrounded by white matter.
c. Neurons in the peripheral nervous system are surrounded by grey matter.
d. Axons of the peripheral nervous system lack neurilemma of Schwann cells.


Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
 Structure:   Answer   Answer   Answer   Answer
Dendrite of a
motor neuron
Axon terminal of
a motor neuron
Dendrite of a
sensory neuron
Axon terminal of
a sensory neuron 

22. Both potassium and sodium channels located along the nerve membrane are voltage-gated. This means that they respond to the changes in the voltage by opening and closing the gates to allow the ions to flow in or out of the membrane.
When the threshold level is reached and depolarization occurs, how come only the sodium ions begin to rush in?
Select one:
a. The threshold level for the potassium channels is lower than the sodium channels.
b. The threshold levels for both sodium and potassium channels are equal, but sodium channels are slower to open.
c. The threshold level for the potassium channels is higher than the sodium channels.
d. The threshold levels for both sodium and potassium channels are equal, but potassium channels take longer to open.

23.During an action potential, the inside of the cell membrane becomes more positive than the outside. Why does this happen?
Select one:
a. During depolarization, the sodium ions rush in and the potassium ions have not begun rushing out, making the outside more positive.
b. During depolarization, the sodium ions rush in and the potassium ions have begun rushing out, making the outside more positive.
c. During depolarization, the potassium ions rush in and the sodium ions have begun rushing out, making the inside more positive.
d. During depolarization, the sodium ions rush in and the potassium ions have not begun rushing out, making the inside more positive.

Title: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: bio_man on May 10, 2019
Content hidden

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: llaalllaallaaaa on May 10, 2019
Thank you, but i cannot see the image attached to the link for question 2.

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: bio_man on May 10, 2019
Welcome :)

What do you mean you can't see it? Try uploading the one associated with the question in your next reply...

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: llaalllaallaaaa on May 11, 2019
One of the photos is what i am seeing when I go to access the photo and the other is the photo associated with the question

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: bio_man on May 11, 2019 When I access this link, I see the same photo

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: llaalllaallaaaa on May 12, 2019
This is what I see
Post Merge: 5 years ago

The other photo I attached is wrong, this is the correct photo. This is what I am seeing.

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: bio_man on May 12, 2019
I see this

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: Ezekiel Zabala on Dec 15, 2019

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: shereenrabeeh on Apr 22, 2020
wow thank you

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: zee143 on Apr 23, 2020
thank you

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: ohemati on Apr 27, 2020 When I access this link, I see the same photo
Hi! So what’s the answer here again? I can’t see it

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: bio_man on Apr 27, 2020 When I access this link, I see the same photo
Hi! So what’s the answer here again? I can’t see it

I'm confused, what's going on here? :joy:

What question hasn't been answered yet?

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: ohemati on Apr 27, 2020 When I access this link, I see the same photo
Hi! So what’s the answer here again? I can’t see it
I'm confused, what's going on here? :joy: What question hasn't been answered yet?
Its all good haha! Im just blind yikes didn't see the answers Thank You!

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: vvsrb on May 17, 2020
thank you !

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: Ashesh Katyayan on Jul 14, 2020
Thank you

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: Kali K on Sep 29, 2020
Thanks so much:)

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: ST.Isabelle Fajardo on Oct 16, 2020
thank you!

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: riley2 on Dec 1, 2020
thank you

Title: Re: Match each structure in the reflex arc numbered above with its description given below.
Post by: Elykah May on Feb 11, 2021