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Humanities Legal Studies Topic started by: Ace123440 on Jul 29, 2021

Title: In which of the following would the court find that the contract is void (i.e., not a binding agreement)?
Post by: Ace123440 on Jul 29, 2021
In which of the following would the court find that the contract is void (i.e., not a binding agreement)?

▸ Joe bought pizzas, but after eating one he realized that purchasing them was a big mistake.

▸ Two parties contracted for a tanker of oil, but unknown to either of them at the time of the contract, the tanker had caught on fire and all the oil had burnt.

▸ Ry and Ali, two parties to a contract, each had a different understanding about the term royalties in the contract. The court found Ali's interpretation the more reasonable.

▸ After some negotiation, Paul accepted Monafo's offer to sell him the painting for $5000. When the contract was put in writing, the price was incorrectly stated as $500. Monafo could prove the terms of the oral contract.

▸ Kramer, thinking that the city was going to build a new school in the area, offered to buy a house. She had not talked with the seller or his agent about the possibility of a school. After the offer was accepted, she learned that there would be no such new school.

Title: In which of the following would the court find that the contract is void (i.e., not a binding agreement)?
Post by: Natalie Price on Jul 29, 2021
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