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Biology-Related Homework Help Genetics and Developmental Biology Topic started by: rjbrivera on Mar 4, 2015

Title: Incomplete Penetrence, Variable Expressivity, and Epistasis
Post by: rjbrivera on Mar 4, 2015
In a type of parakeet known as a "budgie," feather color is controlled by two genes. A yellow pigment is synthesized under the control of a dominant allele Y. Budgies that are homozygous for the recessive y allele do not synthesize yellow pigment. At an independently assorting gene, the dominant allele B directs synthesis of a blue pigment. Recessive homozygotes with the bb genotype do not produce blue pigment. Budgies that produce both yellow and blue pigments have green feathers; those that produce only yellow pigment or only blue pigment have yellow or blue feathers, respectively; and budgies that produce neither pigment are white (albino).

The cross of a yellow budgie and an albino budgie produces offspring that are 8 yellow and 8 albino. What are the genotypes of the parents?

Title: Re: Incomplete Penetrence, Variable Expressivity, and Epistasis
Post by: wizarddim on Mar 4, 2015
In a type of parakeet known as a “budgie”, feather color is controlled by two genes.

A yellow pigment is synthesized under control of a dominant allele Y.

Recessive homozygotes with the yy genotype homozygous do not synthesize yellow pigment. ---------yy

the dominant allele B directs synthesis of a blue pigment.

Recessive homozygotes with the bb genotype do not produce blue pigment.----------bb

Budgies that produce both yellow and blue pigments have green feathers; those that produce only the yellow pigment or only the blue pigment have yellow or blue feathers, respectively; and

budgies that produce neither pigment are white (albino).

A cross of a green budgie and a yellow budgie produces offspring that are 12 green, 4 blue, 13 yellow, and 3 albino. What are the genotypes of the parents?

Y_B_ =green;

yyB_ = blue;

Y_bb = yellow

and yybb = white

YyBb and yyBb --------------genotypes of the parents