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Biology-Related Homework Help General Biology Topic started by: Samya76 on Aug 14, 2012

Title: Occasionally, a developing embryo becomes implanted outside the uterus...
Post by: Samya76 on Aug 14, 2012
Occasionally, a developing embryo becomes implanted outside the uterus, such as in the Fallopian tube, an ovary, the cervix, or other organ in the abdominal cavity.  One reason such a pregnancy is unsuccessful is that

A. FSH production ceases and the corpus luteum degenerates
B. adequate structures do not develop to transfer materials between the maternal and embryonic blood
C. the outer cells of the embryo attach to the endometrium to form the placenta, which degenerates
D. ovarian  production of progesterone ceases and the placenta degenerates

I wanna say B, but I am not positive.

If a viral infection destroys the endocrine tissue of both testes in a human male, there will be an increase in

A. the level of LH in the blood
B. the level of testosterone in the blood
C. ovarian tissue
D. skeletal muscle mass

Obviously not C.  I wanna say A?

Any help would be appreciated :)

Title: Re: Occasionally, a developing embryo becomes implanted outside the uterus...
Post by: fbihansip on Aug 14, 2012
first question maybe A, because hormonal control the development of the ovum
and second question I'm agree with A, because the negative feedback,

Title: Re: Occasionally, a developing embryo becomes implanted outside the uterus...
Post by: duddy on Aug 14, 2012
It wouldn't be D either:

--> D. skeletal muscle mass

I'd go with:

A. the level of LH in the blood

Because all others don't make sense.