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Biology-Related Homework Help Genetics and Developmental Biology Topic started by: oapplesauce on Jan 16, 2012

Title: How long does a developing baby remain a zygote?
Post by: oapplesauce on Jan 16, 2012
I need to know because I didn't get the question because I thought the zygote was the egg and I thought you only get like one egg a month and every time you have your period you get a new egg so I was thinking about a month but I'm not sure so please hep me...

Title: How long does a developing baby remain a zygote?
Post by: daughterofzion on Jan 16, 2012
The zygote is the fertilized egg. After 72 hours it divides to eight cells  and then i believe it enters the morula stage.

Title: How long does a developing baby remain a zygote?
Post by: juliabreslin on Jan 18, 2012
Roughly Seventy Hours

Title: How long does a developing baby remain a zygote?
Post by: _brooksd on Jan 19, 2012
It is a zygote once the egg and sperm nuclei fuse.  The first division to form the cleavage stages ends its time as the zygote.