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Science-Related Homework Help High School Level Science Topic started by: juliatong on Sep 17, 2012

Title: How are cellular respiration and glycolysis related?
Post by: juliatong on Sep 17, 2012
A. Glycolysis breaks down glucose to form the reactants of cellular respiration
B. Cellular respiration breaks down glucose to form the reactants of glycolysis
C. Cellular respiration is the reverse process of glycolysis
D. Cellular respiration uses the energy that glycolysis release

Title: How are cellular respiration and glycolysis related?
Post by: oaghasey on Sep 17, 2012
A. Glycolysis transforms glucose into two pyruvates. The pyruvates produce acetyl-CoA's. The acetyl-CoA's produce FADH and NADH. They then release their electrons into the electron transport chain, and then eureka, you've got ATP. Oh, and don't forget, ATP is also being created throughout this process. Not just in the end.

Title: How are cellular respiration and glycolysis related?
Post by: juliaroberts on Sep 17, 2012