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Science-Related Homework Help Physics Topic started by: tonydahtiger on Nov 2, 2012

Title: How can I calculate initial velocity, acceleration and time using just distance and final velocity?
Post by: tonydahtiger on Nov 2, 2012
If a bike skids to a stop we have the displacement(length of skid mark) and final velocity (0m/s). How can I calculate the other variables with just these two pieces of information? A direct formula or explanation would be nice.
How do car accident investigators calculate initial speed and acceleration than?

Title: How can I calculate initial velocity, acceleration and time using just distance and final velocity?
Post by: smooth229 on Nov 2, 2012
You need at least 3 pieces of information to solve for one kinematics quantity.

Title: How can I calculate initial velocity, acceleration and time using just distance and final velocity?
Post by: Tonyj9 on Nov 2, 2012
Emm.. the only equation i can think of is

S= UT + 0.5AT^2

where U= initial velocity, T= time period, S is displacement (distance), and A is acceleration.

EDIT: I just realised you didnt have the acceleration.... i don't think theres another way to solve the equation.

Title: How can I calculate initial velocity, acceleration and time using just distance and final velocity?
Post by: firegirl2012 on Nov 2, 2012
You don't have enough information to get all three.

For example, let the initial velocity be v0, arbitrarily.
If so, then v0*t = 2d, and -v0^2 = 2*a*d.  Using algebra, t = 2d/v0 and a = -v0^2/(2d).
Now if we substitute into the final equation, v0 + at = 0, we get v0 - (2d/v0)*(v0^2/(2d)) = v0 - v0 = 0.  This can always be satisified, no matter what the initial velocity is.

Look at it this way.  If the bike was going at 20mph and stopped in 50 ft, then it slowed down at a certain speed.  If the bike was going 60mph (hypothetically) and stopped in 50ft, it just slowed down a lot faster.

Title: How can I calculate initial velocity, acceleration and time using just distance and final velocity?
Post by: rknicker on Nov 2, 2012
Accident investigators make some assumptions based on results of tests. They know some typical things like expected deceleration of a car (usually, some might know about bicycles) with the brakes locked.  You would have to do some testing to add information to the data you have.