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Biology-Related Homework Help General Biology Topic started by: caddy85r on Nov 16, 2012

Title: Mader Quiz 6
Post by: caddy85r on Nov 16, 2012
Question 1 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following would be considered a type of loose connective tissue?
   A. Ligaments   
   B. Bone   
   C. Cartilage   
   D. Tendons   
   E. Adipose
Answer Key: E
Feedback: Good job!
Question 2 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following systems does not contribute to homeostasis?
   A. The digestive system    
   B. The cardiovascular system    
   C. All systems contribute to homeostasis    
   D. The respiratory system    
   E. The endocrine system
Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 3 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is not a basic type of tissue?
   A. Reproductive   
   B. Epithelial   
   C. Connective   
   D. Nervous   
   E. Musclular
Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Question 4 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following body systems is largely responsible for secreting chemicals that serve as relatively slow-acting messengers between body parts?


   A. The endocrine system    

   B. The lymphatic system    

   C. The digestive system    

   D. The cardiovascular system    

   E. The nervous system    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: The endocrine system consists of the hormonal glands, which secrete chemicals that serve as messengers. Both the nervous system and the endocrine system coordinate body parts. However, the nervous system is fast-acting, while the endocrine system is slower but has more lasting effects.
Question 5 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is not a basic function of the skin?


   A. It protects from physical trauma    

   B. It protects from pathogen infection    

   C. It helps the animal obtain energy    

   D. It prevents water loss    

   E. It provides sensory input    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!

Part 2 of 8 -    16.65/ 16.65 Points

Question 6 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is the most ancient part of the vertebrate brain due to the fact that nearly all vertebrates have this part?


   A. Midbrain   

   B. Hindbrain   

   C. Forebrain   

   D. Cerebrum   

   E. Cerebellum   

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!
Question 7 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following plays an important role in whether or not an organism has a head?


   A. Whether they fly or not    

   B. Whether they are invertebrates or vertebrates    

   C. What is their lifestyle within a particular environment    

   D. Whether they run or not    

   E. Whether they swim or not    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 8 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
When the action potential "jumps" from node to node, thus increasing the speed of the nerve impulses, it is referred to as:


   A. Depolarization conduction    

   B. Repolarization conduction    

   C. Refractory conduction    

   D. Saltatory conduction    

   E. Synapse conduction    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 9 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
If you were studying the part of the human brain which receives sensory information from the skin and skeletal muscle you would be studying:


   A. The primary motor area    

   B. The reticular activating system    

   C. The hypothalamus    

   D. The cerebellum    

   E. The primary somatosensory area    

Answer Key: E
Feedback: Good job!
Question 10 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
When an axon is not conducting a nerve impulse and there is more sodium outside the axon and more potassium inside the axon it is referred to as:


   A. An action potential    

   B. An autonomic potential    

   C. A resting potential    

   D. A somatic potential    

   E. A threshold potential    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!

Part 3 of 8 -    13.32/ 16.65 Points

Question 11 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
The bones of the ear:


   A. Are named the malleus, incus, and otolith    

   B. Are directly connected to the auditory nerve    

   C. Are connected to the tectorial membrane and oval window    

   D. Transmit sound waves    

   E. Respond to changes in the position of the head    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 12 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Motion sickness occurs when:


   A. The brain experiences conflicting sensory inputs from the cochlea and semicircular canals    

   B. The brain experiences conflicting sensory inputs from the vestibule and cochlea    

   C. The brain experiences conflicting sensory inputs from the eyes and semicircular canals    

   D. The brain experiences conflicting sensory inputs from the eyes and cochlea    

   E. The brain experiences conflicting sensory inputs from the vestibule and semicircular canals    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 13 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
In typical color blindness, one type of rod is deficient or defective.




Answer Key: False
Feedback: In color blindness, usually one type of cone is defective or deficient in number.
Question 14 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
If you were studying the part of the ear which is responsible for balance you would be studying which of the following?


   A. The semicircular canals    

   B. The cochlea    

   C. The malleus    

   D. The cochlear nerve    

   E. The auditory ossicles    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Question 15 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
The organ of Corti consists of the:


   A. Hair cells and tectorial membrane    

   B. Cochlea and auditory nerve    

   C. Eardrum, round window, and oval window    

   D. Saccule, utricle, and cochlea    

   E. Hammer, anvil, and stirrup    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!

Part 4 of 8 -    13.32/ 16.65 Points

Question 16 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is true about skeletal muscles?


   A. They have the same origin and insertion point    

   B. They work in antagonistic pairs    

   C. They get longer when they contract    

   D. They produce blood cells    

   E. They are found in and about internal organs    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: When a muscle contracts, it shortens, and the tendon pulls on the bone. Therefore, muscles can only pull a bone; they cannot push it. Because of this, skeletal muscles must work in antagonistic pairs. If one muscle of an antagonistic pair flexes the joint and bends the limb, the other one extends the joint and straightens the limb.
Question 17 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
The knee is an example of a(n):


   A. Ball-and-socket joint    

   B. Immovable joint    

   C. Hinge joint    

   D. Cartilaginous joint    

   E. Fibrous joint    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 18 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is not a bone found in the pectoral girdle?


   A. Radius    

   B. The scapula    

   C. A tarsal    

   D. The ulna    

   E. The humerus    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 19 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Bone-forming cells are termed:


   A. Chondroclasts    

   B. Osteocytes    

   C. Chondrocytes    

   D. Osteoblasts    

   E. Osteoclasts    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 20 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
The source of energy for bonding between myosin and actin is:


   A. Creatine phosphate    

   B. ADP    

   C. ATP    

   D. Lactic acid    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!

Part 5 of 8 -    6.66/ 6.66 Points

Question 21 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
What was the range of voltage of the stimulus that could be created by the oscilloscope?


   A. 0.0 – 3.0 volts   

   B. 0.0 – 15.0 volts   

   C. 0.0 – 10.0 volts   

   D. 0.0 – 5.0 volts   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 22 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
If a muscle did not twitch after three tries at the first stimulus level what was the next step in the procedure?


   A. Apply the 80g weight and stimulate again at the same voltage.   

   B. Increase the voltage of the stimulus by 0.5 volts and stimulate the muscle again.   

   C. Set the stimulus to 10.0 volts and apply the stimulus three times.   

   D. Replace the muscle with a different type.   

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!

Part 6 of 8 -    6.66/ 9.99 Points

Question 23 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
What does the “all-or-none” law of skeletal muscle contraction mean?


   A. Both of the opposing muscle pairs contract at one time.   

   B. The nuclei in the muscle fibers shrink all at the same time or not at all.   

   C. The fibers that make up skeletal muscle either contract completely or not at all.   

   D. All the fibers making up a muscle will contract at once or not at all.   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 24 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
What type(s) of muscle are considered voluntary? (Select all that apply.)

    A. Cardiac

    B. Smooth

     C. Skeletal   
    D. Sensory   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 25 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
The threshold of stimulation can vary according to which of the following?


   A. The brand of oscilloscope used   

   B. The type of skeletal muscle being tested   

   C. The length of time the muscle is stimulated   

   D. Whether the muscle is positioned horizontally or vertically   

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Refer to the lab simulation for details.

Part 7 of 8 -    6.66/ 9.99 Points

Question 26 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Rank the types of muscle in order of size of muscle overload (lowest to highest).


   A. Thigh, calf, upper forelimb, lower forelimb   

   B. Upper forelimb, lower forelimb, thigh, calf   

   C. Calf, thigh, lower forelimb, upper forelimb   

   D. Lower forelimb, upper forelimb, calf, thigh   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 27 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
The biggest muscle was the thigh muscle. It also had the ________ threshold of stimulation and the ________point or workload overload.


   A. Lowest, highest   

   B. Lowest, lowest   

   C. Highest, lowest   

   D. Highest, highest   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Refer to the lab simulation for details.
Question 28 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points

From the graph is can be concluded that:


   A. Different muscles in a frog respond to stimuli and workloads differently.   

   B. Little muscles function like big muscles.   

   C. Stimuli of one level produce the same response in all muscle types.   

   D. Frog muscle is physiologically identical throughout its body.   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!

Part 8 of 8 -    0.0/ 6.66 Points

Question 29 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
Why does a given muscle’s threshold of stimulation change as its workload changes?

the stimulation threshold of a miscle has to be able to change as more or less is demanded of it, if it remained constant it would fail

Model Short Answer: Those muscles that respond to a higher workload have more bundles. This requires more activation to stimulate the bundles.
Question 30 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
Define two of the following: “all or none” response, oscilloscope, tendon

"All or none": When the fibers are exposed to stimuli from the nevous sustem each individual muscle fiber will contract either completely or not at all

Tendon: a band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects bone and is capable of withstanding tension

Model Short Answer: a. “All or none” response—when exposed to a stimuli, the muscle fiber will either contract all at once or not at all.
b. Oscilloscope—provides a stimulus and measures the twitch of a muscle
c. Tendon—bands of tissues that connect bones and muscles.

Title: Re: Mader Quiz 6
Post by: duddy on Dec 4, 2012
Thanks for posting this, very much appreciated.

Title: Re: Mader Quiz 6
Post by: Dick on Dec 15, 2012
Yes, Very helpful