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Science-Related Homework Help Psychology Topic started by: colleen on Nov 19, 2012

Title: Why did Durkheim label his two types of society as "mechanical" and "organic"?
Post by: colleen on Nov 19, 2012
Why did Durkheim label his two types of society as "mechanical" and "organic"?

Title: Trace the transformation of economic systems, and emphasize this transformation
Post by: colleen on Nov 19, 2012
Trace the transformation of economic systems, and emphasize this transformation in the United States.

Title: Why was the use of child workers accepted and even encouraged in the nineteenth
Post by: colleen on Nov 19, 2012
Why was the use of child workers accepted and even encouraged in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by American industries? Do you believe the use of child workers in the Least Industrialized Nations will be abandoned within the next 100 years, as it was abandoned in the United States?

Title: Re: Why did Durkheim label his two types of society as "mechanical" and "organic"?
Post by: bio_man on Aug 18, 2015
Why was the use of child workers accepted and even encouraged in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by American industries? Do you believe the use of child workers in the Least Industrialized Nations will be abandoned within the next 100 years, as it was abandoned in the United States?

In the early days of industrialization, an "anything goes" philosophy was popular, permitting capitalists to abuse workers and subject them to unsafe working conditions. This included children. Wages were so low that everyone in the family worked (if possible) to bring additional pennies into the family income. As technology progressed, children were no longer needed to do menial work and society’s philosophies about the treatment of children greatly changed. It is unlikely that children in the Least Industrialized Nations will have the same reprieve as American children did. The Least Industrialized Nations do not have the manufacturing and technology base that evolved in American society. These nations have been engaging in the same type of abuse for hundreds of years. There is no indication that the type of work in which children are abused will change and as a result, young, strong boys (an in some cases girls) will be needed to support these primitive economies. 

Title: Re: Why did Durkheim label his two types of society as "mechanical" and "organic"?
Post by: bio_man on Aug 18, 2015
Why did Durkheim label his two types of society as "mechanical" and "organic"?

Mechanical parts do the same thing over and over and are based on identical repetition. The mechanical society is composed of people who do similar work, dress alike, and hold common values. Organic parts, such as "organs" of the body, all have different functions but are needed if the body (or society) is going to operate at its peak efficiency. So, organic society is composed of people who perform very specific but very different tasks. 

Title: Re: Why did Durkheim label his two types of society as "mechanical" and "organic"?
Post by: bio_man on Aug 18, 2015
Trace the transformation of economic systems, and emphasize this transformation in the United States.

In the earliest human groups, the hunting and gathering society, members survived on a subsistence economy that provided for basic needs with little, if any, surplus. Native Americans would qualify as having this type of economy. As settlers moved west, some groups may also have utilized a similar system. Many colonists relied on either a horticultural or a pastoral society in the establishments created during the colonial period. These small, semi-permanent settlements began to create small surpluses and begin to trade. In agricultural areas, especially the South, larger surpluses developed along with increased trade and greater inequality. When the industrial society became established in the colonies, the young nation’s products became more available and consumption increased. So did inequality and trade opportunities. The emphasis in the industrial society shifted from growing crops to producing and consuming goods. In the postindustrial society, the production of goods shifted to the reliance on technology and service. This has led to even greater trade and inequality. The emerging biotech society will create even greater surpluses, more extensive trade, and greater inequality. In summary, as society progressed and became more technical, production increased while the focus of production shifted. With each successive change in the economy, a greater accumulation of surplus, trade, and inequality resulted.