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Biology-Related Homework Help Cell Biology Topic started by: beshoo814 on Feb 5, 2017

Title: The Drosophila Eve gene
Post by: beshoo814 on Feb 5, 2017
The Drosophila Eve gene has a complex promoter containing multiple binding sites for four transcription regulators: Bicoid, Hunchback, Giant, and Krüppel. Bicoid and Hunchback are activators of Eve transcription, whereas Giant and Krüppel repress Eve transcription The Eve promoter contains modules that control expression in various stripes. You construct a reporter gene that contains the DNA 5 kb upstream of the Eve gene, so that this reporter contains the stripe 3 module, the stripe 2 module, the stripe 7 module, and the TATA box, all fused to the LacZ reporter gene (which encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme), . This construct results in expression of the β-galactosidase enzyme in three stripes, which correspond to the normal positions of stripes 3, 2, and 7

a- By examining the overlap of sites on the stripe 2 module, as depicted in Figure B, what is the biological effect of having some of the transcription regulator binding sites overlap?

b-.   You make two mutant versions in which several of the binding sites in the Eve stripe 2 module have been deleted, as detailed in items (i) and (ii) below. Refer to Figure B for the positions of the binding sites. (Note, however, that because many of the binding sites overlap, it is not possible to delete all of one kind of site without affecting some of the other sites.) Match the appropriate mutant condition with the most likely pattern of Eve expression shown in Figure C. Explain your choices.

Title: Re: The Drosophila Eve gene
Post by: bio_man on Feb 6, 2017
Hi Beshoo

Binding sites for the repressor proteins Krüppel and Giant do not seem to overlap. Binding sites for the activator proteins Bicoid and Hunchback also do not seem to overlap. Instead, the binding sites for repressor proteins seem to overlap with the binding sites for activator proteins. These overlapping binding sites cause repressor and activator proteins to compete for binding to the DNA. It is thought that the binding of a repressor and an activator is mutually exclusive. The overlap between the repressor and activator binding sites allows Eve expression to be exquisitely sensitive to the levels of repressors and activators in the cell, and suggests that the repressors function by preventing activator binding. In fact, the repressors and activators can antagonize each other, allowing the creation of sharp stripes of transcription from smooth gradients of protein regulatory factors.

(i). Mutant embyo (b). When the Krüppel-binding sites are removed, the effects of the Krüppel repressor are eliminated. Stripe 2 expression now expands slightly in the posterior direction, which is to be expected because Hunchback and Bicoid expression extends slightly beyond the posterior end of stripe 2.

(ii). Mutant embryo (c). When two of the Bicoid-binding sites are removed, expression from the promoter is less sensitive to the effects of the Bicoid activator. Thus, stripe 2 appears at its normal position, but the expression of β-galactosidase is decreased.