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Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: bugaian on Feb 13, 2013
I've heard that freckles are hereditary, and I believe this is true, especially when I see people whose faces and bodies are covered with them. However, there are also some people who only have a few freckles on certain parts of their bodies. For example, I'm freckle-free, except for a few on my nose. I have some Irish ancestors who had freckles and red hair, so even if they were covered in freckles, is it possible that I also inherited this gene, but to a lesser extent?

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: ilkat on Feb 13, 2013

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: ilikescience on Feb 13, 2013
Some just come from the sun, but now you can laser them off with no problem at all.

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: Tony2001 on Feb 13, 2013
No, they are usually caused my the sun anyway...

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: tony1995 on Feb 13, 2013
God gave you them.

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: buffyjo29 on Feb 13, 2013
pretty much

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: tony51092 on Feb 13, 2013
No. people get freckles all the time. It can also come from the sun.

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: lemur on Feb 13, 2013
My mom is covered in freckles but I only get a few on my nose during the summer months.

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: tony51092 on Feb 13, 2013
I have freckles... not overly.. and black hair (well whats left of it)

If I do go out in the sun, they do come out, but not over exposure to the sun.. it's more to do with your actual skin type, and yes they react moreso to the sun, but I don't sit in the sun wrecking my skin and making it look like old leather.

some people like them.. and NO u don't have to have red hair or be blonde to have them =)

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: buffyoumofo on Feb 13, 2013
it depends on the recessive and dominant traits. it can be. it has been proven but like anything in science, nothing is certain.

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: Lena on Feb 13, 2013
It is and isn't. You have to see how you turn out! If you get freckles and dont like them, just put some lemon juice on a cotton ball and hold on your freckles for three minutes. Keep protected from the sun.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: tony960831 on Feb 13, 2013
Well, I think they are, but you can also get them from the sun!!!

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: lelik on Feb 13, 2013
Mackerel are dark spots, brown, pinpoint (the precise limits) that recobrem especially the regions malares (cheeks) and anterior and posterior chest, are the areas of greatest sun exposure.

It has a hereditary characteristic, as are more frequent in people from skin and eyes clear, which have particularly increased sensitivity to the sun.

The main factor desencadeante to the sunlight and this is because of a response of the skin to solar aggression; the skin pigmenta is to prevent the penetration of the sun.

The peak onset of adolescence is the freckles until adulthood, when then occurs a decrease of the same due to decreased function of melanocytes (cells responsible for pigmentation).

What happens with the advance of age is the emergence of melanoses solar (senile spots), which are stained brown with clear edges irregular arranged around the face and the backs of the hands.

The most modern treatment for mackerel is the use of lasers (especially that of ruby) and light pulsada (Photoderm ®).

The creams work weakly in the treatment of freckles, eventually may be used substances clareadoras containing hydroquinone, retinoic acid, acid kójico, and others, evening and subsequent use of solar filters in the morning.

It can be used with any result peelings of retinoic acid, salicylic acid or trichloracetic acid.

The main surgical treatment for the treatment of freckles is the use of laser and light pulsada but think of surgery of freckles determine the exchange of the same by a scar, which does not justify this indication. For the laser treatment the primary care is not sunshine after 20 or 30 days.

The main counter-indications are patients of skin morena that could tarnish after treatment.

I spoke well in English? Because I am Brazilian.

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: smokin7acehole on Feb 13, 2013
I've also noticed (too!),that Redheads have freckles. I noticed that red-headed males have more. This is interesting,and maybe someone who answers,can give details why.

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: tony2012 on Feb 13, 2013
most of the times, the freckles are inherited. :)

Title: Are freckles always hereditary?
Post by: smmunday on Feb 13, 2013
I think you are right! The tendency to form freckles is most likely an inherited trait. It is probably governed by more than one gene, which is why it is possible for you to have the trait to a lesser extent.

As other people have posted, there is also a large environmental factor - the formation of freckles is in response to exposure to sunlight. Your nose is exposed often to the sun, so that is where you form freckles. People who have freckles all over are usually very fair-skinned (not a lot of protective melanin in their skins) so it is their skin's response to UV damage. I would GUESS that the reason they freckle rather than tan is that they have fewer melanocytes (melanin-making cells) in their skins, and that each freckle represents the area of skin around one melanocyte. People with more melanocytes would get an even tan instead, because the melanocytes would be closer together.