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Biology-Related Homework Help Zoology and Botany Topic started by: smm0030 on Mar 5, 2013

Title: Where does the vascular tissue system extend in a plant?
Post by: smm0030 on Mar 5, 2013
Also, why is it important for plant leaves to be waterproof? And why is the movement in a xylem always upward?

Title: Where does the vascular tissue system extend in a plant?
Post by: micheleree on Mar 5, 2013
XYLEM AND PHLOEM are two vascular tissues in plants, former transport water and MINERALS... and latter transports food.

The vascular tissue extends throughout the plant body length.
Plants are waterproof so as to prevent leakage of water through them, (CONSERVE MOISTURE).
as water only act as blood of transport fluid in them.

TRANSPIRATION causes water to get lost through leaf surface, thus the water from below comes upwards to take it's place....... this is sequential act and thus forms a chain of water column from below to upwards, and keeps whole plant wet and HEALTHY.