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Biology-Related Homework Help Anatomy and Physiology Topic started by: BioHelp101 on Apr 6, 2013

Title: PhysioEx 9.0 Exercise 3: Neurphysiology of Nerve Impulses
Post by: BioHelp101 on Apr 6, 2013
Activity 6:
Compare the action potential frequency in a temperature-sensitive sensory neuron exposed to warm water and then hot water

When a long-duration stimulus is applied, what two determinants of an action potential refractory period are being overcome?

Activity 7
When you burn your finger on a hot stove, you feel sharp, immediate pain, which later becomes slow, throbbing pain. These two types of pain are carried by different in pain axons. Speculate on the axonal diameter and extent of myelination of these axons.

Why do humans posses a mixture of axons, some large-diameter, heavily myelinated axons and some small-diameter, relatively unmyelinated axons?

Title: Re: PhysioEx 9.0 Exercise 3: Neurphysiology of Nerve Impulses
Post by: rus_116 on Apr 7, 2013
Compare the action potential frequency in a temperature-sensitive sensory neuron exposed to warm water and then hot water

The action potential frequency would be increased in the hot water when compared to the warm water.

When a long-duration stimulus is applied, what two determinants of an action potential refractory period are being overcome?

Two ways to overcome the relative refractory period are to increase the stimulus frequency and the strength of the stimulus. Pharmacologically, this would require timed release of the medication in bursts of increasing amounts.