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Psychology   RioNii   111   Asked 11 months ago
Business Psychology - Sources for Emirates Airlines Staff Turn over and Exit Rates
Business Psychology - Sources for Emirates Airlines Staff Turn over and Exit Rates
I really need help in finding sources about the issue of staff turn over and exit rates of Emirates Airlines, I can't find even one, please help me
Psychology   RioNii   208   Asked A year ago
APA Table - SPSS
APA Table - SPSS
Based on these data and background information, is my APA Table correct, if not please help me

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Psychology   RioNii   109   Asked A year ago
Table - Analysis
Table - Analysis
Instruction: State the result of the correlation analysis through the use of APA format

Psychology   RioNii   87   Asked A year ago
Histogram - Background Information
Histogram - Background Information
Psychology   RioNii   104   Asked A year ago
Histograms - Interpretation and Analysis
Histograms - Interpretation and Analysis
Based on the two histograms below, what does it imply about the variable's distribution?  To check for the normality, what other methods can you use besides histograms?

Psychology   Anonymous   123   Asked A year ago
Why do these psychology textbooks use 'differential' as an adjective, not 'different'?
Why do these psychology textbooks use 'differential' as an adjective, not 'different'?
As English isn't my first language, I don't understand the difference between differential and 'different' as adjectives. Why do these books use 'differential'? Why not just write 'different'?

1. Zoltan Dornyei. The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition - Oxford Ap
Psychology   scherz0   147   Asked 2 years ago
Which of the following types of derived scores are NOT provided by the Stanford Achievement Test?
Which of the following types of derived scores are NOT provided by the Stanford Achievement Test?
2. Which of the following types of derived scores are NOT provided by the Stanford Achievement
a. stanines
b. F-scores
c. grade equivalents
d. percentile rank

3. College achievement batteries are typically used _____ elementary and secondary school
achievement batteries.
a. slightly more frequently than
b. approximately the sa
Psychology   HEMIHEMI   316   Asked 3 years ago
The usual method for using several tests to predict status on a criterion is ______. a. factor analy
The usual method for using several tests to predict status on a criterion is ______. a. factor analy
The usual method for using several tests to predict status on a criterion is ______.
a. factor analysis
b. partial correlation
c. multiple correlation
d. coefficient alpha
Psychology   HEMIHEMI   166   Asked 3 years ago
The use of ______ is NOT a common approach to criterion-related validity.
The use of ______ is NOT a common approach to criterion-related validity.
The use of ______ is NOT a common approach to criterion-related validity.
a. alternate forms of same test
b. some external criterion
c. group contrasts
d. some other valid test
Psychology   HEMIHEMI   124   Asked 3 years ago
Which of the following would NOT typically be part of the definition of a profession?
Which of the following would NOT typically be part of the definition of a profession?
Which of the following would NOT typically be part of the definition of a profession?
A. a recommended curriculum of study
B. a code of ethics
C. requirements for continuing education
D. employment by an organization or corporation
Psychology   HEMIHEMI   583   Asked 3 years ago
Ulric Neisser's 1967 book on cognitive psychology, Cognitive Psychology, _______.
Ulric Neisser's 1967 book on cognitive psychology, Cognitive Psychology, _______.
Ulric Neisser's 1967 book on cognitive psychology, Cognitive Psychology, _______.
A. invented the concept of schema, a critical development for the field
B. is said to have given the field of cognitive psychology its name
C. called for a strictly behavioristic approach to the study of cognitions
D. criticized modern cognitive psychology for its failure to de
Psychology   HEMIHEMI   640   Asked 3 years ago
Describe four typical responses to a frustrating situation. Then, identify a common frustrating ...
Describe four typical responses to a frustrating situation. Then, identify a common frustrating ...
Describe four typical responses to a frustrating situation. Then, identify a common frustrating situation you have encountered and give examples of four ways a person can respond to this situation.
Psychology   litemarc   187   Asked 5 years ago
Describe four ways in which optimism may affect how long a person lives.
Describe four ways in which optimism may affect how long a person lives.
Describe four ways in which optimism may affect how long a person lives.
Psychology   litemarc   162   Asked 5 years ago
Compare how stress affects people living in poverty and people living in wealth. Give examples of ...
Compare how stress affects people living in poverty and people living in wealth. Give examples of ...
Compare how stress affects people living in poverty and people living in wealth. Give examples of stressors based on financial status for both socioeconomic groups. In your opinion, which group experiences the most harmful type of stress?
Psychology   rockabye   186   Asked 5 years ago
Describe four strategies to promote wellness in one's life, and give an example of each.
Describe four strategies to promote wellness in one's life, and give an example of each.
Describe four strategies to promote wellness in one's life, and give an example of each.
Psychology   litemarc   143   Asked 5 years ago
Describe the difference between external frustration and internal frustration. Give an example of ...
Describe the difference between external frustration and internal frustration. Give an example of ...
Describe the difference between external frustration and internal frustration. Give an example of each type of frustration.
Psychology   rockabye   134   Asked 5 years ago
Describe 3 of the 4 major categories of medications used in psychopharmacology, giving a brief ...
Describe 3 of the 4 major categories of medications used in psychopharmacology, giving a brief ...
Describe 3 of the 4 major categories of medications used in psychopharmacology, giving a brief explanation for how each type of drug works.
Psychology   rockabye   128   Asked 6 years ago
Why might group therapy be more useful than individual psychotherapy? What are the advantages and ...
Why might group therapy be more useful than individual psychotherapy? What are the advantages and ...
Why might group therapy be more useful than individual psychotherapy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of group therapy? Describe two types of group therapy.
Psychology   litemarc   141   Asked 6 years ago
Describe person-centered therapy. Include information about its theoretical background, how it seeks ...
Describe person-centered therapy. Include information about its theoretical background, how it seeks ...
Describe person-centered therapy. Include information about its theoretical background, how it seeks to help people, its key concepts, and three basic elements necessary in a successful client-therapist relationship.
Psychology   nichania   123   Asked 6 years ago
Provide examples of two different cognitive distortions.
Provide examples of two different cognitive distortions.
Provide examples of two different cognitive distortions.
Psychology   nichania   93   Asked 6 years ago
Define the behavior therapy technique called flooding.
Define the behavior therapy technique called flooding.
Define the behavior therapy technique called flooding.
Psychology   nichania   114   Asked 6 years ago
List and define two key elements that Rogers believed to be necessary in any successful ...
List and define two key elements that Rogers believed to be necessary in any successful ...
List and define two key elements that Rogers believed to be necessary in any successful client-therapist relationship.
Psychology   litemarc   109   Asked 6 years ago
Define psychotherapy and biomedical therapy and explain the differences between them.
Define psychotherapy and biomedical therapy and explain the differences between them.
Define psychotherapy and biomedical therapy and explain the differences between them.
Psychology   litemarc   105   Asked 6 years ago
Can you think of any legal or logistical problems that might be associated with an individual ...
Can you think of any legal or logistical problems that might be associated with an individual ...
Can you think of any legal or logistical problems that might be associated with an individual experiencing an extended case of dissociative fugue? How would you attempt to resolve those problems if you were an authority or treating professional dealing with such clients?
Psychology   litemarc   101   Asked 6 years ago
What is acute stress disorder (ASD)? Give examples of at least four symptoms of both ASD and ...
What is acute stress disorder (ASD)? Give examples of at least four symptoms of both ASD and ...
What is acute stress disorder (ASD)? Give examples of at least four symptoms of both ASD and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What characterizes the stressful event and the reaction of someone experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder? Do you think that ASD and PTSD represent real psychiatric problems, or are they just a way to pathologize normal stress responses? Support yo
Psychology   nichania   101   Asked 6 years ago
List and describe two anxiety disorders. List the most relevant symptoms of the disorders that you ...
List and describe two anxiety disorders. List the most relevant symptoms of the disorders that you ...
List and describe two anxiety disorders. List the most relevant symptoms of the disorders that you choose. Describe the viewpoints of two different psychological models on the cause of anxiety disorders.
Psychology   rockabye   131   Asked 6 years ago
Explain the four ways in which abnormal behavior is defined in the field of psychology.
Explain the four ways in which abnormal behavior is defined in the field of psychology.
Explain the four ways in which abnormal behavior is defined in the field of psychology.
Psychology   nichania   142   Asked 6 years ago
What is a delusion of reference?
What is a delusion of reference?
What is a delusion of reference?
Psychology   litemarc   136   Asked 6 years ago
What are the symptoms of major depressive disorder?
What are the symptoms of major depressive disorder?
What are the symptoms of major depressive disorder?
Psychology   rockabye   109   Asked 6 years ago
What are the characteristics of dissociative identity disorder?
What are the characteristics of dissociative identity disorder?
What are the characteristics of dissociative identity disorder?
Psychology   nichania   117   Asked 6 years ago
What are some ways in which a panic attack resembles a heart attack?
What are some ways in which a panic attack resembles a heart attack?
What are some ways in which a panic attack resembles a heart attack?
Psychology   nichania   118   Asked 6 years ago
What are specific phobias?
What are specific phobias?
What are specific phobias?
Psychology   litemarc   99   Asked 6 years ago
What is the DSM-5?
What is the DSM-5?
What is the DSM-5?
Psychology   nichania   98   Asked 6 years ago
Discuss the major similarity between the personality theories of Albert Bandura and Julian Rotter.
Discuss the major similarity between the personality theories of Albert Bandura and Julian Rotter.
Discuss the major similarity between the personality theories of Albert Bandura and Julian Rotter.
Psychology   rockabye   122   Asked 6 years ago
Discuss one major difference between modern psychoanalytic theory and Freud's theory of ...
Discuss one major difference between modern psychoanalytic theory and Freud's theory of ...
Discuss one major difference between modern psychoanalytic theory and Freud's theory of psychoanalysis.
Psychology   rockabye   109   Asked 6 years ago
Define id, ego, and superego.
Define id, ego, and superego.
Define id, ego, and superego.
Psychology   nichania   86   Asked 6 years ago
Briefly discuss Freud's idea of the unconscious.
Briefly discuss Freud's idea of the unconscious.
Briefly discuss Freud's idea of the unconscious.
Psychology   rockabye   86   Asked 6 years ago
McClelland states that there are three types of needs: need for achievement, need for affiliation, ...
McClelland states that there are three types of needs: need for achievement, need for affiliation, ...
McClelland states that there are three types of needs: need for achievement, need for affiliation, and need for power. Please explain McClelland's research in these areas and provide detailed real-life examples to support your explanation.
Psychology   rockabye   92   Asked 6 years ago
Explain the concepts of motivation, and more specifically, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. ...
Explain the concepts of motivation, and more specifically, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. ...
Explain the concepts of motivation, and more specifically, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Provide detailed examples of these concepts from your everyday life.
Psychology   nichania   128   Asked 6 years ago
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