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Identify and mark the introns and exons...
Identify and mark the introns and exons...



Successful PCR experimentation depends crucially on primer design and characterisation.  Poor primer design can lead to a series of problems that can result in, for example, no amplification, poor amplification or the amplification of multiple targets.

There a
General Biology   05mbodh   427   Asked 7 years ago
For each statement, the distribution of a population is illustrated before a selective force causes ...
For each statement, the distribution of a population is illustrated before a selective force causes ...
 For each statement, the distribution of a population is illustrated before a selective force causes the population to evolve.

i. Indicate where on the graph the selection takes place (it could be one place or two) by placing an “x” (or two if necessary).
ii. Draw the new population distribution on the graph.
iii. Indicate the type of selection taking place.
General Biology   123daisy   1089   Asked 7 years ago
Molecules that are eaten but not absorbed by the animal leave the animals body i
Molecules that are eaten but not absorbed by the animal leave the animals body i
Molecules that are eaten but not absorbed by the animal leave the animals body i
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Table I:Mealtime   Grains   Fruit   Vege...
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hi, does any body know the yogurt produc...
Answer it
Explain how the structure of a carbohydr...
Answer it
How has recent evidence that birds are d...
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General Biology   45adolffwatsonn   4602   Asked 8 years ago
Please help with Phsyology review
Please help with Phsyology review
Put these structures in the correct order in which sound waves are transmitted for hearing. 1) malleus 2) oval window 3) tympanic membrane 4) stapes 5) endolymph 6) perilymph 7) incus
   A. 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6    
   B. 3, 1, 7, 4, 2, 6, 5    
   C. 2, 1, 7, 4, 3, 6, 5    
   D. 3, 2, 1, 7, 4, 6, 5    
   E. 3, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 6

Following are steps that occur in th
General Biology   Abby30   1028   Asked 12 years ago
physiology review
physiology review
A device that monitors the activity of the photoreceptor cells of the eye indicates that there is a constant flow of neurotransmitter being released by the photoreceptor cells. This information implies that the subject is
   A. reading.    
   B. in a dark room.    
   C. outside in sunlight.    
   D. in a brightly lit auditorium.    
   E. focusing on a distant object.
General Biology   Abby30   1889   Asked 12 years ago
A biologist is studying factors which affect population size where the percentage of individuals kil
A biologist is studying factors which affect population size where the percentage of individuals kil
Person Raising Both Hands in Celebration
Here it is..... hope this helps someone. Pls make sure you look at the answer key. lol... I got a 75!
Question 1 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
A biologist is studying factors which affect population size where the percentage of individuals killed remains the same regardless of population size. What are these factors?
   A. Density-dependent factors
General Biology   ABDQ007   22066   Asked 11 years ago
Which of the following terms would not be associated with flatworms?
Which of the following terms would not be associated with flatworms?
Again... pls look at the answer key!! :-)

Part 1 of 4 -    25.0/ 25.0 Points

Question 1 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following terms would not be associated with flatworms?
   A. Sessile    
   B. Acoelomate    
   C. Cephalization    
   D. Hermaphrodite    
   E. Bilateral symmetry
General Biology   ABDQ007   8614   Asked 11 years ago
need tb for  The new american democracy 7th ed  fiorina
General Biology   abvv100   624   Asked 11 years ago
In 1997, researchers discovered a 1 mm microbe (Thiomargarita namibiensis) in oc
In 1997, researchers discovered a 1 mm microbe (Thiomargarita namibiensis) in oc
Trying to get some information on this to get a better handle on it.

n 1997, researchers discovered a 1 mm microbe (Thiomargarita namibiensis) in ocean sediments. This microbe is visible without a microscope. Discuss where this bacterium was found. What criteria did they use to classify Thiomargarita as a bacterium and not a protist?
General Biology   alexia9899   1549   Asked 8 years ago
Gut microbes why studies have different conclusions and which is more accurate
Gut microbes why studies have different conclusions and which is more accurate
A study of the human gut performed in 1982 used various types of plates under different growth conditions to    describe and enumerate the microbes in the human gut. They concluded that the majority of the microbes in the    human gut are Gammaproteobacteria. A study conducted in 2010 using next-generation sequencing to    characterize 16S rRNA sequences concluded that the majority of the
General Biology   anuttz   430   Asked 7 years ago
Na/K pump
Na/K pump
A marine protozoan is known to pump sodium ions outward by a simple ATP-driven Na+ pump that operates independently of potassium ions.  The intracellular concentrations of ATP, ADP, and Pi are 20, 2, and 1 mM, respectively, and the membrane potential is -75 mV.
a. assuming that the pump transports three sodium ions outward per molecule of ATP hydrolyzed, what is the lowest
General Biology   arb1988   930   Asked 11 years ago
Neurobiology HELP!
Neurobiology HELP!
Hey! I have some neuronbio questions! HELP is greatly appreciated.
1. What can you say about Neuron 1 and 2? (see attachment 1)
a. Larger length constant, larger time constant, and smaller membrane resistance than 2.
b. Smaller length constant, smaller time constant, and smaller membrane resistance than 2.
c. Larger length constant, a smaller time constant, and
General Biology   aribeliu   475   Asked 11 years ago
If you were a biologist studying the characteristics of chordates, which of the following would not
If you were a biologist studying the characteristics of chordates, which of the following would not
Part 1 of 8 -   13.32/ 16.65 Points

Question 1 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
If you were a biologist studying the characteristics of chordates, which of the following would not be included in your studies?
 A.The notochord   
 B.The dorsal tubular nerve cord   
 C.The postanal tail   
 D.The vertebral column   
 E.Pharyngeal pouches   

General Biology   armygirl   8002   Asked 10 years ago
Alters alters final
Alters alters final
Does anyone have the alters final bio 130?  I am stuck!
General Biology   Babylacy   993   Asked 12 years ago
45 of 60
45 of 60
If you were a travel agent with clients who wanted an ecotour to see muskox, polar bears, wolves, and lemmings, where would you send your clients.
A.  Article tundra
B.  taiga
C.  Grassland
D. Alpine tundra
E.  desert

If you wished to compare the efficiency of energy flow in two biomes with plants and animals of similar lifest
General Biology   Babylacy   812   Asked 12 years ago
Animal slaughtering, Stunning or not?
Animal slaughtering, Stunning or not?
The slaughter of animals has been the subject of much debate. The main question revolves around, Is it better to stun the animal before slaughtering it or not ?

Many researchers say yes, animals should be stunned and many also, say no, animals should not be stunned.

The dimension on which their proposition is founded is pain, Those who say yes, say so because t
General Biology   bakenoor   288   Asked 8 years ago
Lumen and Malpighian tublues in Arthropoda that both same?
Lumen and Malpighian tublues in Arthropoda that both same?
Lumen and Malpighian tublues in Arthropoda that both same?
General Biology   Bank Physics   307   Asked 7 years ago
Explain how neuroimaging brought new results to the study of ASDs, and why it is
Explain how neuroimaging brought new results to the study of ASDs, and why it is
Explain how neuroimaging brought new results to the study of ASDs, and why it is not yet recommended for use in the diagnosis of ASDs.
General Biology   barry   636   Asked 12 years ago
What happens between decibel and human insulin?
What happens between decibel and human insulin?
Why are people afraid of Human Insulin War?

The unified network of DNA profile and or genotype to a targeted population of human insulin is compromised by the conspiracy to invade the nitrogenous base of a specified pH scale in order to overthrow the permeable substrate of isotonic homology to a specified sensitivity zone of genome code.

To overthrow the genome
General Biology   bartin   248   Asked 7 years ago
Fungal evolution
Fungal evolution
Place the following characters on a phylogeny of fungi (with animals as an outgroup), Flagella, Dikaryotic hyphae, Septa, Multicellularity, Non-motile sperm, Arbuscular mycorrhizae, Macroscopic reproductive structures
General Biology   beardy   300   Asked 10 years ago
Fungal life cycles
Fungal life cycles
Lichens come in three different growth forms. Some mycologists think that lichens have evolved more than once. If true, perhaps each of the three growth forms if lichen represent and independent evolution of a lichen symbiosis. How would you investigate this question?
General Biology   beardy   283   Asked 10 years ago
Cell division
Cell division
Imagine a lineage of flowering plants in which mitotic cell division did not occur between the event of meiosis and fertilization. Describe how the change in the timing of cell division would affect the structure and life cycle of the plants in this lineage.
General Biology   beardy   426   Asked 10 years ago
Homosporous life cycle
Homosporous life cycle
Beginning with sporophyte, list every stage of a homosporous plant life cycle in order. Be as detailed and specific as possible.
General Biology   beardy   427   Asked 10 years ago
Evolution of seed plants
Evolution of seed plants
Until the evolution of the seed plants, land plants were dependent on the availability
of water for reproduction. Explain why this was true. Explain how seed plants
overcame the need for water in reproduction.
General Biology   beardy   319   Asked 10 years ago
Fungi innovations
Fungi innovations
What evolutionary innovations do Ascomycota and Basidiomycota fungi have relative to Zygomycota? How does these increase their success?
General Biology   beardy   503   Asked 10 years ago
antheridia and archegonia
antheridia and archegonia
Antheridia and archegonia have been lost in some groups of plants. Which groups are missing which structures? What possible vestigial remnant of these structures exist in the groups missing one or both of these structures?
General Biology   beardy   355   Asked 10 years ago
Probability and Genetics Lab
Probability and Genetics Lab
 Probability and Genetics Lab Report---
Has anyone done this lab before?? HELP

Based on the parents' genotypes, what is the genotypic ratio expected from a monohybrid cross between the two parents for the trait?

Question 2

Based on the genotypic ratio from question 1, what is the expected probability of each genotype
General Biology   BeautifulOne   3948   Asked 8 years ago
An outbreak of an unidentified bacteria has occurred in a remote village. You ha
An outbreak of an unidentified bacteria has occurred in a remote village. You ha
An outbreak of an unidentified bacteria has occurred in a remote village. You have been
selected to travel on the investigative medical team as the microbiologist. You are
allowed to take 80 pounds of equipment. Your plane can only carry 80 pounds of
equipment per person so going over the weight limit is not an option or your plane will
crash and everyone will su
General Biology   bi 234   422   Asked 8 years ago
Looking at your graph for Concentration of NO3 and SO4 versus Total Acidity
Looking at your graph for Concentration of NO3 and SO4 versus Total Acidity
Looking at your graph for Concentration of NO3 and SO4 versus Total Acidity of Rainfall, describe the relationship that exists between the variables.  How does the total acidity of rainfall change as the concentrations of these substances change?  Is this a direct variation, an inverse variation, or is there no relationship?
General Biology   biochicka   167   Asked 8 years ago
science fact
science fact
Did you know that there are 206 bones in the adult human body and there are 300 in children (as they grow some of the bones fuse together).
General Biology   biofo   251   Asked 10 years ago
Chapter 12_Current Events: Cancer's Secrets Come Into Sharper Focus
Chapter 12_Current Events: Cancer's Secrets Come Into Sharper Focus
Which of the following codes for proteins?
Answer: genes
You are developing a new drug that damages the cells that provide the supportive structure required by a tumor. Which type of cell are you targeting?
Answer: fibroblast
A tumor would not be able to have its own blood supply if it weren't for which of the following?
Answer: endothelial cells
General Biology   biologyishard1   9696   Asked 10 years ago
It is often proposed that a feature that is advantageous to individual organisms is the reason for the great number of species in certain clades. For example, wings have been postulated to be a cause of the great diversity of winged insects compared with the few species of primitively wingless insects. How could an individually advantageous feature cause greater species diversity? H
General Biology   bioph12   315   Asked 10 years ago
Evolution question
Evolution question
Suppose the phylogenetic species concept were adopted in place of the biological species concept. What would be the implications for (a) evolutionary discourse on the mechanisms of speciation; (b) studies of species diversity in ecological communities; (c) estimates of species diversity on a worldwide basis; (d) conservation practices under such legal frameworks as the U.S. Endanger
General Biology   bioph12   883   Asked 10 years ago
How many luciferase producing vibrio harveyi it takes to replace a lightbulb
How many luciferase producing vibrio harveyi it takes to replace a lightbulb
hello, for a 5 min. presentation i would like to perform a calculation answering the theoretical question "how many luciferase producing vibrio harveyi it takes to replace a lightbulb"

it is considered a 60W indecidence light bulb produce aproximatly 800 lumens.

i would need help in obtaining some sources, such as how much light (measured by candle o
General Biology   bioweizmann   1530   Asked 8 years ago
Identifying the unknown blood type? Pls help!
Identifying the unknown blood type? Pls help!
I attempted this question twice but I only got 2 right, and my teacher does not give the correct answers, please help!

A student is given eight red blood cell suspensions, which contain only red blood cells, and the serum from each sample.  Serum is blood plasma in which fibrinogen has been removed.

She is asked to identify each of the four blood ty
General Biology   bio_helper   214   Asked 7 years ago
Nun getting cured of Parkinson's disease is a miracle
Nun getting cured of Parkinson's disease is a miracle
Nun getting cured of Parkinson's disease is a miracle

A recent news that a French nun got cured of her Parkinson's disease is nothing less than a miracle. Moreso, because the National Insti
General Biology   bio_man   1816   Asked 13 years ago
General Biology   bio_man   594   Asked 12 years ago
Solve 6x^4-10x^3-11x^2+13x+2
Solve 6x^4-10x^3-11x^2+13x+2

General Biology   bio_man   107   Asked A year ago
Explain how ATP facilitates biological reactions
Explain how ATP facilitates biological reactions
Explain how ATP facilitates biological reactions
Post Merge: 11 years ago

ATP is cell’s energy shuttle.  Hydrolysis at its terminal phosphate group produces ADP and phosphate and releases free energy. ATP is a nucleotide (adenosine) that has three attached phosphate groups instead of one. Hydrolysis of ATP (the combination of ATP
General Biology   bonya   310   Asked 11 years ago
HELP!!! Does anyone have answers to Interactive Physiology: The Immune Sysem??
HELP!!! Does anyone have answers to Interactive Physiology: The Immune Sysem??
 Neutral Face
General Biology   BrandieNicole   2655   Asked 12 years ago
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