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According to Michael Sandel ("Justice", 2011:230-231), the claim that there is a special ...
According to Michael Sandel ("Justice", 2011:230-231), the claim that there is a special ...
According to Michael Sandel ("Justice", 2011:230-231), the claim that there is a special obligation to take care of one's own citizens is (select any that apply)

A. the defining characteristic of cosmopolitanism.
B. a good argument for limiting immigration and protecting community.
C. in conflict with the claims of equality when we recognize that
Religion and Philosophy   jkm2408   237   Asked 6 years ago
Discussion problem that needs about 3-5 sentences.
Discussion problem that needs about 3-5 sentences.
1. What does the term “prophet” in the biblical sense mean? What is the role of prophecy in early Judaism? What has kept them from being elevated to the level of deities as often happens in other religions? Is the veneration of the prophets a covert reinvention of polytheism?

2. The Diaspora resulted in the scattering of the Jewish people throughout the world yet they rem
Religion and Philosophy   foltzy15   512   Asked 4 years ago
Discussion topic, needs 3-5 sentences per question.
Discussion topic, needs 3-5 sentences per question.
1. What problems arise in the rendering of Jesus’ message?

2. How is the message altered by the delay in putting his teachings in written form, and what issues arise as a result of the variation in the individual literary capabilities of very disparate disciples?

3. What other religions studied so far have encountered similar problems with the forwarding of the
Religion and Philosophy   foltzy15   461   Asked 4 years ago
Dreaming the timeless time of creation is associated with which indefinite group
Dreaming the timeless time of creation is associated with which indefinite group
Dreaming the timeless time of creation is associated with which indefinite group
Religion and Philosophy   kkelly0075   402   Asked 7 years ago
Explain how the Callatians-Greeks example can be interpreted in a way that does not lead to relativi
Explain how the Callatians-Greeks example can be interpreted in a way that does not lead to relativi
 Face Screaming in Fear
Religion and Philosophy   Sintheeduh17   359   Asked 7 years ago
The negative-right approach claims that those who trade with regimes which fail to share natural ...
The negative-right approach claims that those who trade with regimes which fail to share natural ...
The negative-right approach claims that those who trade with regimes which fail to share natural resource wealth with their people are

A. morally blameless since they usually do not know they circumstances within the country.
B. somewhat morally responsible, but not as bad as the corrupt regimes themselves.
C. morally blameless since ethics is determined by cult
Religion and Philosophy   jkm2408   318   Asked 6 years ago
What characterized the Mongol army that attacked the Middle East in the thirteen
What characterized the Mongol army that attacked the Middle East in the thirteen
the west a narrative story
Religion and Philosophy   kavita   384   Asked 7 years ago
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